

上课时段: 详见内容

课程价格: 请咨询

优惠价格: 请咨询

授课学校: 美联国际英语培训

课程详情2011-06-24 08:49
深圳英语交流 会话课 Conversations       每天晚上八点到九点,在俱乐部(SOCIAL CLUB)里,外教会组织入门级(BEGINNER)及以上学员就某个主题展开讨论。学员可以提前了解会话课的主题,并作好相关的准备。   From 8 to 9 pm every night, there is a conversation club organized by one of our foreign teachers in the social club. Students above beginner level are welcome to join the discussion around the topics which they could get in advance from the receptionist.


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