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授课学校: 深圳新世界

课程详情2010-01-01 15:19
深圳外国人汉语培训 Chinese course for foreigner外国人汉语培训

  班别 教材 学费 招生对象 课程说明 老外学汉语 对外汉语教材(*册) 1500 (16次课) Ø         中文爱好者,渴望更深一步了解*文化的朋友 Ø         零起点入学 Ø         采用英语和中文结合的教学方式,让你在课堂中体验纯正的中文发音,感受丰富多彩的*文化                     Chinese course for foreigners 

Class Textbook Tuition fees Enrollment targets Course Description Mandarin Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (Volume 1) 1500  ( 16 times )     English speakers without any Chinese language knowledge; No Chinese foundation ,the ability to communicate with native speakers in Chinese; Eager to gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture.   A combination of English and Chinese teaching methods; Standard Chinese pronunciation; Allows you to experience the colorful Chinese culture. Interactive teaching in small classes. Focused on the vocabulary, grammar, as well as all the skills, listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation. The class is also a platform for students to learn Chinese culture, including history, geography, and calligraphy, etc.  


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