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课程详情2015-06-13 15:20

Courses Introduction: 课程介绍

Main Course主要课程

Daily Chinese: 日常会话汉语 Business Chinese: 商务汉语

Short-term Intensive Chinese: 短期强化汉语 HSK Tutoring: 汉语水平考试

Company Training: 企业培训 Kids Chinese/English: 少儿汉语&少儿英语

English/英语 Japanese日语


Other Course

Intensive English Training before going abroad: 出国前英语强化训练

Minority Languages: 小语种学习 Spanish, Korean, Russian and so on.

Chinese Traditional Art and Culture: *传统艺术文化课程 Chinese calligraphy, Chinese painting; Chinese Kongfu;Paper-cut

Courses Modes: 课程形式

1. One on one: 一对一

2. Group class: 2-6人班教

3. Home or Office Teaching: 上门教学

4. Full-time Intensive study: 全日制学习

5. Afternoon class:下午特惠班

6. VIP class: VIP班

Class form and Price
1. Private class (one on one), 100RMB/Hour
2. Two Students Class, 65RMB/Hour/Person
3. Group class (3 to 6 persons), 50RMB/Hour/Person
: depends on you.
students class: depends on you and your classmate.
3. Group class: depends on the group, most popular schedule is like at 7 pm to 9 pm on Monday Wednesday and Friday.
When the student finishes course, he will be awarded our certificate of learning Chinese. And we will suggest and assist him to HSK Chinese exam to get the certificate which awarded by Chinese Education Bureau.


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