
无锡学习少儿英语哪家专业   新区新意义培训.

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授课学校: 无锡新意义培训

课程详情2015-12-23 13:30
无锡学习少儿英语哪家专业   新区新意义培训 Younger brother Romeo meanwhile has fronted a Burberry Christmas campaign and was credited with driving a 15% sales boost.

The Beckham name has the Midas touch when it comes to advertising, even the mere mention of their name associated with a brand is a small news event in itself, said Anton Dominiue, chief marketing officer at the London School of Marketing.
“贝克汉姆这个名字具有点石成金的魔力,一个品牌即使与贝克汉姆只产生些许的关联,就能够引起小小的轰动,” 伦敦营销的首席营销官安东?多米尼克(Anton Dominiue)说。

What is also interesting is that the family name is almost as influential as any individual family member, he added.

David recently added another deal to his collection, signing up to front a clothing line by Trinity, the Hong Kong-based owner of Gieves & Hawkes.
大卫最近又将一份合约收入囊中,与总部位于香港的君皇仕(Gieves & Hawkes)的母公司利邦签约,为其服装品牌进行代言。


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