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课程详情2010-08-04 08:25
丹麦语英文介绍          Danish is spoken by the 5 million inhabitants of Denmark, and is also the official language of Greenland and the Faroe Islands, which are considered part of Denmark. It is one of the Scandinavian languages, which constitute a branch of the Germanic languages, in turn a part of the Indo-European family.

  Danish is most closely related to Norwegian and Swedish. During the centuries that Denmark and Norway were one country, a dialect closer to Danish than Norwegian was spoken in the Norwegian cities. This is still in use today and is sometimes referred to as Dano-Norwegian.

  The Danish alphabet is the same as the Norwegian, consisting of the twenty-six letters of the English alphabet plus  æ, ø, and å at the end. Before 1948 the å was written aa. The spelling reform of that year also abolished the German practice of beginning all nouns with a capital letter.


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