课程详情2009-01-21 14:58

Hotel & Restaurant English Training
Market Leader
上海酒店英语培训 Hotel & Restaurant English Training
一、培训形式 Training Form
Corporate training: Send trainers to the hotel.
二、课程设置Course Outline
l Reception work
l Restaurant and bar work
l Answering the phone and taking messages
l Writing short e-mails and letters
l Dealing with guests’ problems
l Explaining how things work
l Giving directions inside and outside the hotel
l Suggesting places to visit in the region
- 电话订房、介绍房间酒店设施与服务、前台接待、电话留言、为宾客提供信息与解决宾客的需求、推广与促销技巧、优质服务理念、应付宾客投诉、结账等。
- 迎宾、 接待、 解答问题和解决宾客需求、 行李寄存、 迎宾饮料、 优质服务理念、如何向宾客道歉及其他礼宾常用英语。
- 解释客房部服务内容、 解释房内设备、 应答宾客的需求、 询问宾客是否打扫房间、应付宾客投诉、汇报客房服务问题、优质服务理念、帮助宾客解决日常细节问题。
- 订位、 接待、 菜单点菜、介绍菜色、菜的做法、介绍酒水饮料、推广与促销技巧、优质服务理念、应付宾客投诉、结账。
- 综合酒店英语课程, 对学员的英语程度要求较高, 适合大堂副理、客户公关主任、礼
- 从宾客入住到结账的整个流程, 范围遍及前台、 客房、 商务中心、 餐饮等*, 解答宾客面对的问题包括与宾客的信件沟通, 为宾客解释工作流程、 推广与促销技巧、优质服务理念、处理宾客的投诉,给宾客指点迷津。
三、我们的教材 Our Textbooks
《Be My Guest》
This fifteen-unit course is ideal for both in-service and pre-service students. It deals with the many situations in which hotel employees meet guests, including reception, restaurant and bar work, answering the phone, giving directions, dealing with guests? problems, writing short e-mails and letters, suggesting places to visit and explaining how things work.
Outline 内容大纲
*篇 接待服务英语会话须知 Basic Service English
第二篇 提送行李的服务 Bellman Services
1、带领至前台 To the Front Desk
2、带领至客房 Check-in to Room
3、搭乘电梯 Taking the Elevator
4、到达客房时 Arriving at the Room
5、分送行李 Standard Delivery
6、送错行李时 Delivery to the Wrong Room
7、回应客人的召唤 Answering Calls
8、退房时拿行李下楼 Bringing Baggage Down
9、客人要求提取行李时 Picking Up the Guest’s Bags
10、领取行李时 Collecting One’s Bags
11、寄存物品时 Depositing Some Items
12、领取寄存物品时 Collecting One’s Items
13、遗失取物牌时 Tag Being Lost
14、门房的应付 Doorman’s Service
第三篇 订房专线 Room Reservations
1、来自国内的预约 Reservation from a Domestic Source
2、由第三者预约时 Reservation Made by a Third Party
3、来自国外的预约 Reservation from Overseas
4、没有想要的客房 Desired Room Being Unavailable
5、饭店客满时 When the Hotel is Full
6、无法连续预约至期满 Can’t Be Booked for All the Nights Reuested
7、提供差一等的客房 A Lower uality is Offered
8、询问对房间视野的喜好 Room View
9、询问对房间类型的喜好 Room Type
10、床位大小及数目 Bed-size & Number in Room
11、确认预约的电话 Confirmation Call
12、变更预订的日期 Change of Reservation Date
13、由第三者取消预约时 Cancellation by a Third Party
第四篇 前台(入住登记) The Front Desk(Check-in)
3、确认难懂的姓名 Confirmation of Difficult Surnames
第五篇 提供各项资料 Information
第六篇 会计* The Front Cashier
第七篇 客房管理部 Housekeeping
第八篇 转接电话 Telephone Operators
第九篇 餐饮* Food & Beverage Department
四. 我们的师资团队 Our Teacher Group
Solid support from the US headuarter strengthens our competitive advantages in faculties. Our foreign tutors are all native speakers from North America, Britain, Australia, etc. with rich experience in Hotel English Training. Moreover, teaching assistants and project managers will be at your disposal to assist in the whole training program.
五. 课程附加值 Value-added of the Courses
√ 每一个参训员工,免费获得专业英语学习软件一套;
Each employee participating in the training can get a set of professional English language learning software for free.
√ 每一个参训员工,免费享受专业的笔试测试系统服务;
Each employee participating in the training can have free access to professional services of written test system.
√ 每一个参训员工,免费享受专业的口语测试系统服务;
Each employee participating in the training can have free access to
professional services of spoken test system.
√ 享受内容丰富的企业活动策划服务;
You can enjoy a variety of business activities planning services.
√ 长期合作公司单位可免费享受企业员工心理辅导、管理培训等专业培训服务;
Long-term cooperation Companies can enjoy free psychological counseling to their employees, management training and other professional training services.
六、联系我们 Contact Us
Official Website: -
,Zhang Yang RD.,Pudong Shanghai