
商务英语情景口语分享 英语对话

发布时间: 2019-08-05 17:30:17

  小编给大家带来2019年中级商务英语情景口语:合同,希望对大家有所帮助。   Dialogue 1   A: Did you go over the contract with our supplier? They drafted a new contract after we changed our pricing agreement last summer. Nothing has been signed yet, we only have a verbal agreement so far.   B: I saw the contract before it wen to our legal department. It seemed really detailed this time. I guess they want to make sure we don't leavey any loopholes.   A: I am glad we have our legal team to review it. The legal jargon in all the clauses make my head spin!   B: Mine too! But it's important to have a detailed and specific contract in case there are disagreements that arise later. If there is a problem, we can just go back to what's on the paper. It's a good way to protect us, and them.   A: Sometimes I really long for the time when a man's word was good enough.   B: That time doesn't exist anymore. If you don't have it in writing, then it's your word against theirs. Verbal agreements aren't worth the paper they're written on!   A: I guess you're right!商务英语情景口语分享  英语对话   Dialogue 2   A: Can you help me make sense of this contract? I don 't quite understand this phrase....   B: Let me see, "The two undersigned are in agreement to the following terms. Party A shall be responsible for furnishing Party B with materials as follows." Well, that's a pretty complicated way to say you both agree to something and sign your names to certify.   A: So if I sign here, that makes me Party A, right?   B: Yes. Then you have to abide by all the requirements listed in this contract for Party A.   A: What about what is says here, "Terms and conditions of this agreement are void in the case of natural disaster or acts of God."   B: That means unless something very big happens, like an earthquake or a tsunami, you will be bound to the contract and can't get out of it.   A: That serious, huh?   B: Sounds like it. Before you sign this contract, I would go over it with a fine-tooth comb if I were you. Make sure it's what you want.   A: Good idear. I'll probably have to get a dictionary!

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