
托福听力如何做好态度题 托福考试

发布时间: 2019-08-06 17:40:22

  托福听力部分虽然是以听为主的考试部分,但对于不同的听力题型在解题思路上其实也有一定要求。考生如果只是通过听力获取到了足够信息却不知道如何答题,还是很容易出现听懂不会做的情况。比如托福听力的态度题,大家就需要了解一些解题思路技巧,下面小编就来为大家做具体介绍。   托福听力态度题解题思路实例分析   实例1:托福模考套题4 Conversation 1   What is the man’s attitude toward his current assignment?   A.He is not confident that he will find the materials he needs.   B.He feels that performing in a play is less boring than reading one.   C.He thinks his review of the play will be more objective than the contemporary reviews were.   D.He is optimistic that he will learn to appreciate the play he is researching.   听力原文:   Student:That’s a good idea. I’ll have a better idea of what I really think of it before I read those reviews.   Librarian:I’m sure you will be surprised that anyone ever found it radical. But you will see why it is still powerful, dramatically speaking.   Student:Yeah, it must be something about it, or the professor wouldn’t have assigned it. I’m sure I’ll figure it out.   分析:正确答案是D。首先根据托福听力按顺序出题的原则,可以判断第4题的答案应该在原文比较偏后的位置,因此找到对应笔记位置即可。其次,根据以上听力原文,学生说的I’ll have a better idea...和I’m sure I’ll figure it out两句话可以得知,学生的态度是非常optimistic(乐观的)的,因此正确答案应该选择D。本题的考察点是学生的语气语调和评价性内容。另外,笔者提醒考生,平时做题还要做一下错误选项分析,以本题为例,A选项说not confident,学生的语气是轻快而自信的,是积极正面的,因此与原文相违背,排除。B选项中的boring虽然是评价性的形容词,文中也确实提及过,但是并没有将performing和reading进行比较。C选项中的contemporary reviews文中也提到了,但是是比较靠前面位置提及的,后面就再也没提到了,并且也没有比较过objective的问题,因此排除。

托福听力如何做好态度题 托福考试

  实例2:托福模考套题4 Conversation 2   What is the professor’s opinion of the other students in the woman’s group?   A. They try to take credit for work they did not do.   B.They did not perform well in previous courses with him.   C.They are more motivated when they are working in a group.   D.They do good work when they are interested in the subject.   听力原文:   Professor:I know Teresa and Kevin. I had both of them on other courses. So, I’m familiar with the work and work habits.   Student:I know, me too. That’s why this has really surprised me.   分析:正确答案是D本题考查的是语意。学生在开始一直抱怨的是其他组员不配合,而当老师了解了一些情况后提到之前他也认识这两个学生,他的了解中这两个学生不是这样的。所以那两个学生是可以认真做工作的,推断出前提是他们对这个工作感兴趣。所以不仅要理解文章的语意,还要理解好上下文衔接的内容。   综上所述,要掌握好态度题,就一定要关注两个点:说话人的语气和语义。从直接和间接连个角度分析文章,每次做完题之后记得做错题总结和对应考点分析。只要能够做到这两点,小编相信大家一定能攻克态度题这个难关。

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