

发布时间: 2019-08-10 16:56:47

  为使广大考生高效的备考2019年学位英语考试,做好备考工作,小编及时整理发布2019年成人英语三级模拟试题,本篇学习2019年成人英语三级模拟试题(71-80)。   1、The current political _____ of our country is favorable for foreign investments.   A. climate   B. weather   C. temperature   D. state   查看/隐藏答案   Best Answer: A   详解:应选A项。climate(可数名词)意为“(一个地区或一个时期总的)气候”;weather意为“(指每日每时的晴阴,温度)天气”;state意为“状况,状态”。   2、The angry teacher gave the order that nobody _____ the classroom before twelve.   A. would leave   B. left   C. had left   D. leave   查看/隐藏答案   Best Answer: D   详解:应选D项。that引导order(命令)的同位语从句,从句用(should)do表示虚拟语气。   3、Are there any other factors that might affect the development of a child _____ education and innate inability?   A. apart from   B. away from   C. far from   D. but for   Best Answer: A   详解:应选A项。   apart from 除……之外,away from 远离,far from 远非,but for 要不是。   句意为:除了教育和先天的不足,还有什么其他因素会影响一个孩子的发展?   4、er humorous remarks seemed _____, but were in fact carefully prepared beforehand.   A. precise   B. blank   C. spontaneous   D. bold   Best Answer: C   详解:应选C项。spontaneous 自发的;自然产生的,precise 精确的;准确的,blank 空白的;空着的,bold 大胆的。   句意为:她的幽默的评论看起来好像很自然,但是实际上是事先认真准备好的。   5、_____ the financial means to remain independent, Thomas Edison was compelled to seek employment as a night telegraph operator.   A. He was deprived of   B. Deprived of   C. That he was deprived of   D. Although he was deprived of   Best Answer: B   详解:应选B项。过去分词表原因作状语,句意为:失去了保持独立经济来源,爱迪生不得不当夜间电报员。   6、The firm will have to step _____ production if it is to defeat its compes.   A. off   B. in   C. out   D. up   Best Answer: D   详解:应选D项。step up意为“提高,加快”;step off意为“开步走,步量(距离)”;step in意为“介入,干涉;参加进来(帮忙)”;step out意为“走出去”。   7、After writing poetry unsuccessfully for several years, he was not certain whether to quit or _____ with his art.   A. if he should continue   B. he should continue   C. to be continued   D. to continue   Best Answer: D   详解:应选D项。to continue与to quit并列。   8、They have made a _____ plan to build a suspension bridge over the river.   A. bald   B. bound   C. bold   D. bare   Best Answer: C   详解:应选C项。   bold大胆的,bald光秃的,bound被束缚了的,bare赤裸的;无遮盖的。   句意为:他们已做出了一个大胆的计划要在这条河上建一所吊桥。

成人英语三级模拟试题   简单英语

  9、In the 1850's Harriet Beecher Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" became the best seller of the generation, _____ a host of imitators.   A. inspiring   B. inspired   C. inspired by   D. to inspire   Best Answer: A   详解:应选A项。分词短语做状语。句意为:19世纪50年代,斯托的《汤姆叔叔的小屋》成为30年来的畅销书,因而激起了一大群伪造者。   10、Jane's _____ for gardening is evident by all of these beautiful flowers.   A. acquaintance   B. familiarity   C. achievement   D. enthusiasm   Best Answer: D   详解:应选D项。   enthusiasm热衷,狂热,acquaintance相识,familiarity熟悉,achievement成就,功绩。   句意为:从这些漂亮的花可以明显看出简对园艺的热衷。

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