

发布时间: 2019-08-11 12:25:50

  成人高考英语专升本复习备考。一直以来总有很多同学和我们说英语不行,担心成考英语不过关,今天小编就为大家整理了英语冠词与定冠词的一些用法,希望所有的同学们收藏后成考必过!   冠词基本用法冠词是一种虚词,只能附着在名词上帮助说明名词的含义。冠词分为定冠词(the)和不冠词(a或an)两类,定冠词表示特指,不定冠词表示泛指。a用于读音以辅音开头的词前面,an用于读音以元音开头的词前面。   如:a university, a useful book, an umbrella, a horse, an honest man   定冠词的基本用法1.表示特定的人或东西。   Give me the magazine.   Have you decided on the prices yet?   The book on the table is an English dictionary.   Beijing is the capital of China.   2.复述前文提到的人或东西。   Last week, I saw a flim. The film is about a love story between two middle-aged people.   The old man saw a house in the field. He went into the house and found a beautiful girl sitting there and singing.   3.用于形容词前面,代表一类人或东西。   the poor 穷人 the rich 富人 the wounded 受伤的人   the sick 生病的人 the beautiful 美丽的事物 the old 老年人the young 年青人   4.用于表示世界上****的东西的名词前面。   the moon, the sun, the earth   The moon moves aroud the earth.   We have friends all over the world.   Dont build castles in the air.

成人高考英语专升本知识点 专升本备考

  5.用于序数词、方位名词、形容词与副词的高级前面,副词高级前面的the 可以省略。   January is the first month of the year.   The sun rises in the east.   Japan lies to the east of China.   Beijing lies in the north of China.   Ireland lies on the Great Britain.   At the Childrens Palace, some children learn to play the piano, others learn to play the violin.   Last week we went to the theatre.   Among the three girls she speaks English the best.   6.“东、南、西、北”作副词时,前面不加冠词。   We are walking south.   7.形容词高级前若有物主代词,就不加定冠词。   Monday is my busiest day.   END

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