

发布时间: 2019-08-12 08:40:34

  下面小编跟大家一起了解洗澡相关的英语口语表达,希望对大家的学习的有所帮助。   洗澡时间到了   It's time for bath.   洗澡的时间到了。   Can I have a bath?   我可以洗个澡吗?   I'd like to have a shower.   我想洗个澡。   Bath time can be a pleasant time for your children.   洗澡时间可以成为你的孩子们的美好时光。   You can enjoy the wonderful time during your bath time.   你可以享受洗澡时间的美好时光。   洗澡前的准备工作   Is the bath ready?   洗澡水准备好了吗?   My sister is scrubbing the bathtub.   我的姐姐在刷澡盆。   The water feels just right.   水温正合适。   We had better prepare all the stuffs we will need for the bath.   我们————好先准备好洗澡要用到的东西。   My mother is preparing water for me.   我的妈妈在为我准备洗澡水。   You need to check the water's temperature.   你需要试试水温。   Can I get into the bath now?   我现在可以进浴室了吗?   Bring your washcloth, bath tub, clean clothes and towels.   拿过来你的洗澡小毛巾,澡盆,干净衣服和毛巾。   Mom, can I pick up a couple of toys and throw them into the bath tub?   妈妈,我可以选几个玩具,把它们扔进澡盆里吗?

洗澡相关的英语口语表达     英语入门

  洗澡时   Just call me when you want to get out of the bath.   如果你想出浴缸就叫我。   Rub your feet.   搓搓你的脚丫。   Can you help me to rub my back please?   请问你能帮我搓搓背吗?   Isn't the water too cold?   水是不是太凉啊?   Bathe just at where I show you.   就在我告诉你的地方洗澡。   洗澡后   Dry off your hair.   把你的头发擦干。   Dry you off with a towel.   用毛巾把你擦干。   You made a mess in the bath.   你把浴室弄乱了。   She blow-dried her hair.   她吹干了她的头发。

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