

发布时间: 2019-08-12 17:18:14

  雅思作文题目:Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following as media for communicating information. State which you consider to be the most effective.   举例:Comics Books Radio Television Film Theatre   话题和题型分类   媒体类,利弊分析型   题目分析   从所列的几大媒体中选出三个比较它们交流信息的有效性   思路提示   优点:   Comics——形式活泼生动,吸引低龄读者读者   Books——题材广泛,内容多样,有深度的书引人思考   Radio——受众面广,距离不限,传播成本低,参与互动方便,传播快并可随时插播   TV——信息传播及时,传播画面直观生动,覆盖面广,公信力高   Film——视觉效果好,广告效力强,受众人群稳定   Theater——直接接触,感染力强,   缺点:   Comics——内容欠缺深度   Books——不适合文化程度较低的人利用,   Radio——无画面略显枯燥单调,受到信号,信息存储性差,被动选择节目   TV——节目不易保存,场地设备条件   Film——时效性差,通俗娱乐,虚拟内容多,制作成本高周期长   Theater——夸张,受众面小,公信力低   Sample Answer   Faced with countless media of information age, quite a few people claim that the book should be the most effective tool, but other people consider the radio as the obvious winner. In my view, when it comes to the efficiency of communicating information, nothing beats the television.   (首段开篇摆明观点:电视是传递信息十分高效的媒体)   Books have become information media at a very early time. I hold a view that the most important value of books is that they can be preserved for a long time. For example, researching documents which our forefathers left us are items of great historic significance. However, it is not convenient for people to carry piles of books. Besides, with the fast development of modern society, the update for books is far from meeting the social demands for the latest information.   (本段是文章第二段,描述了书的优缺点)   Radio and television are products of industrialization and informatization. They both can be used for spreading latest information even some instant messages. Radio is portable for individuals to carry around, while television is able to provide information satisfying people both ears and eyes. What is more, with the development of modern technique, an increasingly number of portable televisions have been invented and put into production. It seems that television is the most effective way for communicating information. Nevertheless, because the information, which is conveyed via radios and television, draw more attention on current events, and often cannot analyze a topic deeply, people still need books to add essential supplements.   (本段是文章第三段,描述了广播和电视的优缺点)   In conclusion, books, radio and television each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and has an irreplaceable place in human history. Among these three media, television is the most effective one now. However, it is possible that with the rapid development of modern technique, scientist will invent a comprehensive media tool which can absolutely meet various demands for communicating information.   (全文总结,再次重申观点)

雅思写作之范文赏析 雅思大作文

  满分要素剖析   语言表达   本文的语言简洁明了,并不刻意用长难句,清晰、直截了当表达作者观点。作者在文中用了不少介词短语,使得句子表达更加出彩。一系列连接词的用法,使得文章变得流畅连贯:what’s more, nevertheless, however, in conclusion。   In my view, when it comes to the efficiency of communicating information, nothing beats the television.   句型 in my view…可用于议论文开头表明观点。   However, it is not convenient for people to carry piles of books. Besides, with the fast development of modern society, the update for books is far from meeting the social demands for the latest information.   句型 It is…for…to…不带任何个人感论坛彩的有理有据的论证观点,陈述事实,值得借鉴。   逻辑结构   本文采用总分总结构,开头清晰表明观点,二、三两段分别描述三种媒体书、广播、电视的优缺点,结尾段总结全文。

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