面议发布时间: 2019-08-15 16:22:13
我是侧重于英语的应用能力的,就是侧重于口语的教学方法。也就是专为中级和高级英语学习者设计的,我的课程不适合初学者。 但是,我经常收到电子邮件,要求我提供初学者课程。我们的许多成员都有初学者朋友。许多人还有刚开始学习英语的年龄较大的孩子。他们怎么学习?我可以教他们吗? However, I often get emails asking me for beginner lessons. Many of our members have friends who are beginners. Many also have older children who are just starting to learn English. How can they learn? Can I teach them? Well, I can teach them. There are excellent Effortless techniques for teaching beginners… and I have often thought of creating video lessons for total beginners. However, at this time I have decided not to do this. Our current focus is on intermediate adult learners. I want to serve you all better, and this requires focus. 我可以给你一些建议..我希望你能传递给你的初级朋友和家人: I can give you some advice though.. which I hope you’ll pass on to your beginner-level friends and family: 1.有选择地使用英语教科书和CD 我刚刚开始学习泰语......在SF。我这里没有泰国老师,也没有我所知道的“不费吹灰之力的泰语”课程。所以目前我被困在使用传统书籍和CD。 I’m just starting to study Thai… here in SF. I don’t have a Thai teacher here, and there are no “Effortless Thai” lessons that I know of. So at the moment I’m stuck using traditional books and CDs. 但是,我正在创造性地使用它们。我完全忽略了所有无聊的练习和练习。我跳过所有英语解释和音频。 However, I am using these creatively. I totally ignore all boring drills and exercises. I skip all English language explanations and audio. 我只使用泰语语音对话......这些对话的成绩单......以及基本的词汇解释。我的重点完全在于获得大量的泰语投入。我忽略了对语言的所有分析。
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