

发布时间: 2019-08-16 13:21:49

小编给大家带来2018年公共英语二级写作冲刺试题及答案(1),希望对大家有所帮助。   阅读下面的对话,根据其内容写一篇有关长城的说明文。   要求:   1.所写短文应与对话相关内容意义相符,涵盖其要点。   2.用你自己的语言来表达,可以改写对话中的句子,但不可以照抄原句。   注意:词数80词左右。   Bruce:Is this your first time to come and visit China?   Cindy:Not really,1 went to Shanghai in 2010,but I didn’t have much time to do sightseeing.So 1 would really like to take this opportunity and take a look around the cap。 ital city of China.   Bruce:You should do that.Where are you planning to go tomorrow?   Cindy:A friend is taking me to see the Great Wail.Is it far from Beijing?   Bruce:About an hour’s drive to the west of Beijing.The part you are going to see is called Badaling,a small part of the original wall.   Cindy:Since it’s called the Great Wall,it must be very long then.   Bruce:It’s over 13,000 miles long,but some parts are now in ruins or have disappeared.   Cindy:Why?   Bruce:After all,some of it was almost 2000 thousand years old.Its construction started in the Spring and Autumn Period.Its main purpose was for military defense-to fend off foreign invaders.   Cindy:Wow,that’s amazing.No wonder people call it“the eighth wonder of the world”.   Bruce:The great wall that tourists see today was actually built in the Ming Dynasty,after which no new walls were built.   Cindy:Now I’m really looking forward to see it.

公共英语二级写作试题及答案   简单英语

  参考范文   The Great Wall is a famous tourist attraction in China.The original wall was altogether l3,000 miles long.Its construction lasted from the Spring and Autumn Period to the Ming Dynasty.It was first built to fend off enemies. Because of its long history,some parts have now disappeared or become ru— ins.Many tourists go to visit the Great Wall at Badaling.Chinese people proudly call the Great Wall“the eighth wonder of the world”.   写作指导   这是一篇关于长城的说明文,从长度、历史、现状等几个角度来写。将有内在逻辑关系的内容安排在一起,比如历史和功能,以及现在的状况。学会合并信息,比如将长城修建早和晚的内容放在同一个句子里,变成“it’s construction lasted from…to…”

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