

发布时间: 2019-08-19 11:46:44

  GMAT语法之类比作答 GMAT学习。很多考生近来都反应对GMAT考试的类比作答有些迷惑,那么今天小编就整理了这部分的知识点,希望对大家GMAT备考有所帮助。下面就请各位考生一起来跟随小编的脚步来看一看吧~   1.常见的GMAT 语法词汇——比较词汇: Like, Unlike, More than, Less than, Faster than, different from, in contrast with/to, Compare to, as, as (adj.) as, as much as, as fast as, the same as.   2. 中关于比较的解题法则:   1)读语义找标志词:   ① GMAT考试找出逻辑概念是否可以比较;   ② 注意专题中的标志词;   2)注意点:   ① 看到了标志词,知道比较点双方是否存在并且是否可以比较; (Cat’s paw和Dog;1982年和1984年的事)   ② 比较双方是否形式一致; (前后双方要保持形式一致,除非不同语态,但要保持形式一致)   ③ 比较是否清晰; 注意什么和什么比:在逻辑语义上; A, B, and C (其中AC是人,B是物,那么逻辑比较的双方是AC,语法形式是否一致)   ④ GMAT考试比较是否简洁(比较省略的运用): a. a as b 如果省略b这块的主语和谓语,那么比较就默认为b这里的主谓和a一致; b. 比较前后的动词是否可以省略: Ambiguous: I like cheese more than Yvette. (Yvette可以是主语或者是宾语) Right: I like cheese more than Yvette. (=than Yvette like cheese) Right: I like cheese more than I do Yvette. (=than I like Yvette) . 比较重要的看的,是两者是否可以比较;(可比性)   GMAT语法考试比较题可能常犯的错误:   1)GMAT考试构成比较额连词搭配错误或者不完整 as..as… more..than.. 通常出现的错误形式有as…than… more…as; More rather than 不完整的情况有as many后面缺少as/more 后面缺少than   2) GMAT语法考试构成比较的形容词/副词和修饰对象的搭配错误 例句:A study commissioned by the Department of Agriculture showed that if calves exercise and associated with other calves, they will require less medication and gain weight quicker than do those raised in confinement. (A) associated with other calves, they will require less medication and gain weight quicker than do (E) associate with other calves, they require less medication and gain weight more quickly than Quicker than和 more quickly than 选后者 E   3) GMAT考试技巧常常提到的冗余比较结构: as many as, more than同时出现的结构 In a recent poll, 86 percent of the public favored a Clean Air Act as strong or stronger than the present act. (A) a Clean Air Act as strong or stronger than (B) a Clean Air Act that is stronger, or at least so strong as, (E) a Clean Air Act at least as strong as 答案是E A as strong or stronger than同时出现 直接as strong as B 多加了一个插入语 at least so strong as E 正确简洁   4) 几组形容词的比较级区别   ① Less 指的是数字和量小,通常是不可数 There is less water in the bucket than in the pool. I have been trying to cut back, so now I drink less coffee.   ② Fewer指的数量小,通常是修饰可数名词 Express checkout: 10 items or fewer. Gene has read only a few books on the assigned reading list.   ③ lower 修饰程度 The average temperature is lower in the winter than in the summer. Lower the water level in the pool by pulling the drain plug. ④ Amount: quantity Degree: level or amount. Larger/smaller ?size, amount, or number Greater ?degree = greater level or amount Higher/lower ?

GMAT语法之类比作答 GMAT学习

  number amount size并不是一个测度,而是how big or small something is,一个程度 形容amount和number的时候三者都可以用higher, larger, greater。 形容size的时候可以用只larger。 形容level(程度)的时候只可以用greater。 

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