

发布时间: 2019-08-22 11:58:37

  看不懂语法书?听不懂语法课?一篇文章助你搞定考研阅读长难句!   学习长难句就是为了提高阅读得分   1. 你单词不认识,如果会分析长难句,阅读也能得分。在2014英语二真题中28题,   28. Epley found that people with higher self-esteem tended to _____.   A. underestimate their insecurities   B. believe in their attractiveness   C. cover up their depressions   D. oversimplify their illusions   很容易定位到原文:In fact, those who thought that the images higher up the attractiveness scale were real directly corresponded with those who showed other makers for having higher self-esteem.这个句子即使每个单词都认识,如果不了解如何分析长难句的话也是读不懂;相反如果你会分析长难句,知道主句在那里,有哪些从句,从句作用是什么,即使单词不认识,答案也非常明显。   2. 你认识单词,会分析长难句,你才能真正读懂文章的意思,对于难题才能做对。在2016年英语二真题中34题,   34. “Carry a book with you at all times” can work if .   A. reading becomes your primary business of the day   B. all the daily business has been promptly dealt with   C. you are able to drop back to business after reading   D. time can be evenly split for reading and business

考研学习搞定考研阅读长难句 考研培训

  很容易定位到原文:“Carry a book with you at all times” can actually work, too — providing you dip in often enough, so that reading becomes the default state from which you temporarily surface to take care of business, before dropping back down.这道题目,如果读不懂原文是很难做对的,尤其是对于这句后一部分的理解。   二、长难句的破解思路在哪里?   我们可以先看一下一个长难句的翻译:   A culture in which the citizens share similar religious beliefs and values is more likely to have laws that represent the wishes of its people than is a culture where citizens come from diverse backgrounds.   翻译:有一种文化,其公民共有相似的宗教信仰和价值观念,还有一种文化,其公民来自不同的背景,前者比后者更有可能制定出代表人民意愿的法律。   我们可以看到,在英语句子中就一句话,而在汉语翻译中我们翻译成了多个句子。从英语和汉语的区别来看,我们分析长难句的核心其实就是把一个比较长的句子划分成几个句子,或者简而言之就是化繁为简,各个击破。一般而言,考研阅读中遇到的长难句之所以难懂是因为里面含有由连词连接了多个句子或者多个从句, 由并列连词(比如and,but ,so等)连接的句子我们只要由并列连词把它划分成几个句子就可以了;而对于有从句的句子我们划分的目的其实就是划分从句,如果从句的位置能找到,主句和从句就切分清楚了,我们接下来就是分别分析主句和从句就可以了。

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