

发布时间: 2019-08-28 12:44:15

  现在连*生守则都进步了,为什么你的托福作文论证还是停留在喊口号的阶段?接下来让小编告诉你们托福作文论证写作技巧。   答案就是,抽象表述之后需要加具体做法。   Take 一篇学生作业 as an example.   Firstly, parents can possess build a more closely-relationship with their children by spending more time to play with their children. To illustrate, parents nowadays may spend a lot of time in overtime work and business travel in addition to the regular work. As a result, the relationship between parents and children may be alienated since they do not have enough time to stay with their children and accompany children’s growth. However, things will totally different if parents can spend more time to play with their children. During the process of playing, more communication could be enabled between parents and children. Thus, a closely-related relationship could be established between children and parents. (113 words)   看到其中的“口号”/“抽象表述”了么?   During the process of playing, more communication could be enabled between parents and children. 哪些 communication, 家长和孩子可以交流什么?为什么能有这种交流?你说了么?这就是所谓的“论证不充分”,22分!Next!

托福写作运用技巧  托福写作

  别慌!我们看看加入两句具体表述会怎样呢?   Firstly, parents can possess build a more closely-relationship with their children by spending more time to play with their children. To illustrate, with increasing pressure in working and living, grown-ups nowadays devote almost all their time and energy on their career in order to provide a higher living quality to their children. As a consequent, the relationship between parents and children may be alienated since they do not have enough time to stay with their children and accompany children’s growth. However, things will totally different if parents can spend more time to play with their children. Under such circumstance, more communication could be built. For instance, it would be easier for children to express their feelings and emotions to parents during the process of playing games. Also, since some games may help cultivate children’s good personalities, parents can teach their children valuable lessons in a more relaxingatmosphere. Thus, a closely-related relationship could be established between children and parents. (163 words)       *小编祝大家托福都能考一个好的成绩。

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