

发布时间: 2019-08-29 09:25:12

  下面小编跟大家一起了解2019专升本英语冲刺练习,希望对大家的学习的有所帮助。   1. He states that good qualities such as honesty and self-discipline make ____ he is today.   A. whom B. how C. what D. which   2. It was not until last week _____ she found _____ she thought was quite mistaken.   A. when;that B. that;that   C. when;what D. that;what   3. Hurry up! Alice and Sue are waiting for you at the school gate.   —Oh! I thought they _____ without me.   A. went B. are going   C. have gone D. had gone   4. In this institution a medal together with a prize of certain sum of money _____ gains success in science and technology every two years.   A. are given to anyone   B. is given to whoever   C. are given to who   D. is given to whom   5. After _____ seemed about five hours,we finally arrived at the beaches,just _____ rubbish and thrown- away plastic bags here and there.   A. when;finding B. what;to find   C. which;to find D. that;found   题目及答案解析   1. He states that good qualities such as honesty and self-discipline make ____ he is today.   A. whom B. how C. what D. which   【答案】C   句意:他声称,正是这些良好的品质如诚实,自律使他成为今天的样子。Make后的宾语从句,what sb be ,表示某人是什么样子。故选C。   2. It was not until last week _____ she found _____ she thought was quite mistaken.   A. when;that B. that;that   C. when;what D. that;what   【答案】D   句意:直到上周,她才发现她所想的是相当错误的。通过分析句子结构,可知这个句子中包含一个强调句式,故一、个空用that;这个句子中还包含一个宾语从句,且引导词在宾语从句中作宾语,表示“什么”的意思,故用what,选D。   3. Hurry up! Alice and Sue are waiting for you at the school gate.   —Oh! I thought they _____ without me.   A. went B. are going   C. have gone D. had gone   【答案】D   句意:——快点!Alice和Sue在学校门口等你。——哦!我认为她们没有等我,已经走了。下文含有一个宾语从句,主句是一般过去时,从句要使用相应的过去时态,故要用过去完成时,选D。

专升本英语冲刺练习    专升本条件

  4. In this institution a medal together with a prize of certain sum of money _____ gains success in science and technology every two years.   A. are given to anyone   B. is given to whoever   C. are given to who   D. is given to whom   【答案】B   句意:在这个研究所,每两年一个奖牌和一定数量的钱会给在科技领域获得成功的任何人。主语是together with连接的,谓语和前面的一致,用单数,排除AC。Whoever引导宾语从句,相当于anyone who,因为在宾语从句中做的是主语,不能用whom,选B。   5. After _____ seemed about five hours,we finally arrived at the beaches,just _____ rubbish and thrown- away plastic bags here and there.   A. when;finding B. what;to find   C. which;to find D. that;found   【答案】B   句意:在似乎5个小时后,我们后来到海滩,只是发现到处扔的垃圾和塑料袋。一、空是what引导的宾语从句,what在宾语从句中做主语,第二空是不定式做结果状语,表示预料之外的结果,选B。

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