面议发布时间: 2019-08-29 14:18:41
许多考生在备考GMAT作文时都需要收集和背诵一些很有深度寓意,能够体现写作水平的高分好句。但许多人在收集中不得其法,背了很多派不上用处的句子白白浪费了时间。下面小编就来分享一些针对GMAT写作中常见高频话题的提分金句。 表象与本质、目的与方法、批评与赞扬、批判与继承。表象的对立往往意味着本质的相同。 Superficial confrontation indicates the similarity of essence。 科技与人文;创新与传统 科技貌似推动人类向前,可前方是一片彷徨;人文让我们照见过往,给了我们存在希望。 Technology seemingly pushes humans forward, yet forward to the unknown; humanities mirror humans into the past, the past of existence and hope。 批判、 传统与创新、教育 批判的前提的训练和继承。 The prerequisite of rational critical thinking is the arduous training and undistinguished inheritance。 个体与集体、 创新与传统、自由 个体的伟大在于始终与集体不懈的斗争。个人追逐自由,集体限制自由。 The greatness of individuals lies in the uncompromised struggle against the collective conformity. They fight for freedom, a freedom banned by the collectivism。 法律与道德 法律限制人的基本的恶,来自于*,让人不至于沦为恶魔;道德是让人性更加光辉,从而成为天使。 Laws prohibit human’s evils. It is the invention from government. By laws, humans do not turn to demons; morality glorifies humans, turning them into angels。 个体与集体、成功 成功永远只是个体行为,集体不需要成功,相反、集体需要平庸。 Success is individual behaviors. Collectivism is in no need of this; collectivism desperately need conformity。 改革、个人英雄主义 任何改变都是微小而持续的;革命,只是少数个体的一场喧哗而已。 Any change is revealed in a minute manner, undying and unstoppable. Revolutions, on the contrary, are just a carnival celebrated by the mass, ignited by a few and blessed by none。 国际化、全球化 国际化只是把人与集体的关系放到了原始蒙昧社会了而已。在无*的状态下,丛林法则永远是*的法则,只不过,有人可以理性的使用自己的拳头而已。 International arena is a jungle, in which just a few countries use their fists with rationality and maneuvers。 创新与守旧、外部经验的借鉴 内部矛盾的解决需要依靠外部力量,因为内部永远是守旧的、自我封闭的。 Internal conflicts can only be solved by external forces, because internality requires conventions and inward-looking。 感性与理性、教育、事实与抽象感念、
认知始于感性最终上升成为理性。感性转瞬即逝如白驹过隙;理性永垂不朽如寒夜亮星。 Awareness originates from emotionality and finally transcends to rationality. So transient is emotionality that it bears the resemblance of a fast white horse fleeting over a gap, and so eternal is rationality, of a bright star hanging over the dark night。 教育、传统、人文 人性,只能通过教育去激发。 天使要读圣经,魔鬼则是没有读过圣经的天使。 To educate is to be humane. Angels are angels, for they read the bible; demons are those angels who do not read bibles。 偶然与必然、过程与结果、创新的力量、科学的本质 偶然性存在于人的无知,必然性是宇宙的博大。人尝试洞悉宇宙的必然性,是科学的发端。 Coincidence comes from ignorance. Destiny, from universe. The beginning of science is human’s attempt to see the destiny。 艺术与大众 理解意味着身份的认同,而身份未必需要他人认同。 Understanding is based on identity recognition, which, however, is not always a must。 批评与赞扬、 不同声音的意义、批判思考 进步来源于自我否定。 Progress is prompted by self-negation。 以上这些GMAT作文中的高分名句,希望大家能够参考学习并合理使用。好的作文需要好的词句来妆点门面,希望上述名句能为大家的作文带来更好的评价和得分。更多培训课程,学习资讯,课程优惠,课程开班,学校地址等学校信息,请进入 天才领路者网站详细了解