面议发布时间: 2019-09-01 19:48:15
我们来看几组英语六级考试中跟冠词有着千丝万缕联系的词组1. inpossessionof… & in the possession of… 拥有、占有之意,两个短语*的区别就是一个the。in possession of…应使用人作为句子的主语,而in the possession of…则要使用物作为主语,of后跟someone。 例句:He was caught in possession of a gun and some drugs.那个嫌疑犯被逮住的时候被发现携有一支枪和一些毒品。这句话也可以转换为A gun and some drugs were in the possession ofthe suspect when he was caught.2. in charge of… & in someone’s charge 管理、负责之意。这组短语和*组类似,主语是人还是物,大家一定要留心。 例句:He was selected to be in charge of the new department. 他被选做这个新*的负责人。The new department was in the manager’s charge since it wasfounded. 这个新*成立时就是由经理来负责的。3. in fashion & in a fashion in fashion意为正在流行,相关短语还有come into fashion开始流行、bring…into fashion使某物流行。
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