

发布时间: 2019-09-04 11:54:36

  今天小编为大家准备了雅思口语词汇music,希望对大家有所帮助,接下来跟小编一起来看看吧。   1. pop music 流行音乐   I’m really keen on pop music because it’s special to me.   2. folk music 民谣   My favorite type of music is folk music, I listen to it to relax myself during my time off.   3. symphony 交响乐   If I have a chance, I really want to listen to symphony in a concert hall.   4. reggae 雷鬼   I’m a reggae lover, every time when I listen to this kind of music, I feel relaxed.   5. is not my strong point 不擅长做某事   I learned the   piano before but I find it’s not my strong point.   6. touching 感人的   The lyric of this song is so touching and I’m moved.   7. saxophone 萨克斯   My parents sent me to learn the saxophone and I found it was great.

雅思口语词汇music 雅思词汇

  8. catchy 容易记住的   The melody of this song is catchy so I always sing along with it.   9. back ground music 背景音乐   I’m attracted by the back ground music of this movie.   10. light music 轻音乐   When I’m blue, I often listen to light music to loosen up.

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