

发布时间: 2019-09-05 12:17:22

  古人做文章,讲求“凤头、猪肚、豹尾”。也就是说,开头要华丽,中断行文要有料,结尾要简洁有力。在雅思教学过程中,我遇到的学生存在的问题不尽相同,有的下笔艰涩,大作文首段落可以磨蹭十分钟;有的主体段落找不到写作素材,全凭题目所给的关键词来回重复凑满两段……   但其实这些作为雅思议论文教学的难点,同学们通常更,所以我们今天的内容是同学们平时容易忽略的:一篇essay 如何“收”?   雅思大作文收尾策略分析   策略一:归纳观点或重申观点   话题:(2019年2月16日雅思大作文真题)   Nowadays, children spend a lot of time watching TV and playing computer games. Some people believe this has negative effects on children's mental abilities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?   参考范文结尾段:   To sum up, watching TV or playing computer games, like many things, can be both helpful and harmful to children.The issue, then, is not whether children should be allowed to watch TV or play computer games, but how parents should monitor their children’s screen hours. (范文出处:九分达人作者唐伟胜老师)   结尾一般写2-3句话,有一句必为观点句。有的学生习惯开门见山,首段就阐明观点,那么后一段需要重申观点,需要注意与首段的观点做到句型结构和关键词汇的区别,而不是简单的重复。   唐老师在此范文的首段落亮明观点的句式为:   What effects do watching TV and playing computer games have on children’s mental abilities? The answer to this question, to my mind, is that there are potential dangers as well as benefits.   可以明显看出,首段和之后一段观点匹配,但是不存在用词和句式上的雷同。   至于想拿更好成绩的同学,就要关注此结尾段的第二个句子。从技巧性来说,第二个句子就符合7+作文的评分标准。首先作者运用了比较结构not … but …,这对于题目中所给的关键词做了概念辨析,这是很多同学在实际写作过程中忽略的。   “单纯”的考生更喜欢从自己支持的角度,努力去说服考官他的视角多么正确、多么重要,而从实际说服效果来说,与其他对象的比较分析更容易让读者自己得出结论,这个让读者参与思考的过程才是考场老油子的体现。   策略二:概括主体段素材点,加深考官印象   话题:(胡敏雅思写作第七代教材)   Convenience foods will become increasingly prevalent and eventually replace traditional foods and traditional methods of food preparation. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?   参考范文结尾段:   In spite of the utility of convenience foods, people are unlikely to abandon practices that are economically sound and give them great pleasure. It is hard to imagine a world in which people do not continue to enjoy traditional, home-cooked meals at least some of the time.   来看主体段落部分提到的素材点:   …   However, the growing popularity of television cookery programmes, celebrity chefs, and cook books suggest that people continue to value traditional ways of preparing foods. Fresh locally-produced food continues to be the norm in many parts of the world. In fact, they are growing in popularity in countries such as the UK, where they had virtually disappeared from many cities. This may be partly because cooking with basic, natural ingredients is cheaper than buying processed foods.   Moreover, traditional foods are an important aspect of culture and social life. In many countries, traditional meals continue to be shared in regular family gatherings. Important celebrations, such as weddings and Chinese New Year, are marked by traditionally-prepared feasts.   …   结尾段提到的经济实惠和给人愉悦感,在主体段落中体现为传统食物比加工食品更便宜,以及重要的庆祝和家庭聚会都会选传统食物。这就属于范文的严密性,实现各个段落有机结合,不遗余力地强化考官对本文观点和素材的印象。   策略三:观点+建议/展望   话题:(2019年2月23日雅思大作文真题)   Some people say that too much money and time are spent on protecting wild animals. Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, so protecting them is a waste of resources. So, such resources should be better spent on human population. To what extent do you agree or disagree?   参考范文结尾段:   In conclusion, far from having no connection to our survival, wild animals are the very precondition for our existence on this planet. We certainly need to take care of our own problems, yet if all wild animals perish, we human beings will perish as well.   这个话题需要学生分析要不要花钱保护野生动物。雅思考试不需要考生提出惊世骇俗的三观,学生的基本观点大多为野生动物值得花钱去保护。在结尾一、句提出观点之后,第二句就从人类存亡的方面,给出了自己的预期。建议或展望,属于考生相对比较拿手的思维套路,尤其对于写作思路还比较欠缺的同学有较强的可操作性。   除了以上三种段落思维结构策略,还有一个建议是在结尾段使用一定的特殊句型,人为的制造一个“高潮”,给考官制造小惊喜,提升他对考生作文所使用技巧的上限。当然,前提时所使用的句型熟练掌握,不然,惊喜变成惊吓,就得不偿失了。   例如,剑11第3套题话题:   Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or work in a foreign country. Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone should learn a foreign language. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.   给的7分范文如下:   Many may say, and I agree, that today’s society has almost erased all its borders and soon will become limitless in what concerns traveling for both work and pleasure. Therefore, if this is to happen, then learning a new language is necessary.   Nowadays, learning a new language for the purpose of working in other countries seems to become more and more popular. Adults in need of money or, why not, recognition are trying to pursue their happiness far away from home. Also, the days of employers looking only for capable people have gone. It seems that today’s employers are looking not only for multi-skilled employees, but they also want people who know more than their mother tongue. Sooner or later, those who omitted learning more are prone to become jobless.   However, to my mind, a new language should not be learned just for traveling or working in a foreign country. A foreign language should help the learner broaden his mind. By this I mean that the new language should and will allow users to understand more about the world itself, and maybe our ancestors’ ways of thinking and acting. Needless to say, knowing another language will help us when it comes to understanding the human race, because language is the first poem of a country.   All of this being said, I believe that learning a different language should be not only for satisfying our physical needs, like money, but also our moral needs, because never before had such a big thirst for knowledge been displayed. (C11 TEST 3 a Band 7 score)

雅思作文考试要知道技巧 雅思学习

  大家可以看到总结段除了表达观点,使用了一个特殊句型-倒装句,because 后面的从句中,采用了never before 助动词+主语+其他成分的结构。自然而然,考官就会眼前一亮,整个总结段因为这个句型而更出彩。

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