

发布时间: 2019-09-07 18:18:09

  雅思写作想上7的同学,看看这篇文章吧,它将属于雅思经典词汇错误集的一部分,这些词汇我们特别喜欢用,却又特别容易错,而且经常还浑然不觉。为何写作的实际得分往往要低于自我感觉分,其实就是想这样的不自觉的错误太多。我们会以系列文章的方式,给大家纠正被用错用词汇,搭配。我相信战友们的作文里的错误才是真正雅思写作词汇书有用的词汇。今天就给大家讲下lack 这个词:   lack / lk; lk/ v   1.及物动词[不用於被动语态] 没有(某事物); 缺乏; 不足:   lack creativity, self-discipline, courage 缺乏创造性﹑ 自制力﹑ 勇气 *   They lacked the money to send him to university. 他们没钱送他上*. *   What he lacks in experience he makes up for in enthusiasm. 他热心工作以弥补其经验的不足.   2. 不及物动词:[不用於被动语态] ~ for sth (fml 文) need sth 需耍某事物:   They lacked for nothing,他们无所需求(已应有尽有).   (idm 习语) be lacking 缺:   Money for the project is still lacking. 进行这个项目的钱还没有着落.   be lacking in sth not have enough of sth 不足; 不够: be lacking in warmth, courage, strength 缺乏温暖﹑ 勇气﹑ 力气 *   The film was lacking in pace. 这部影片不紧凑.   lack n [U, sing]   absence or shortage (of sth that is needed) (所需事物的)缺乏, 短缺: a lack of care, money, water 缺乏关心﹑ 金钱﹑ 水 *   The project had to be abandoned for lack of funds. 工程因资金匮乏只得放弃.   词汇点评:   lack 这个词既是及物动词,也是不及物动词,而且也是名词。所以很多同学用混了。常见的错误是 be lack of…. 四不像。还有就是用做名词的时候是不可数。一般为 for lack of 名词 但是也见过a lack of…   简单记为:   Sth lacks sth   Sth is lacking in sth   Sth fails for a lack of sth/lack of sth(复数).

雅思写作最易误用词汇lack讲解 雅思考试

  经典搭配:   a lack of planning on your part 你缺少规划!   a lack of boundaries invites a lack of respect 缺少界限就缺少尊重!   a lack of compassion can be as vulgar as an excess of tears 缺少同情和眼泪泛滥一样粗陋。

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