

发布时间: 2019-09-07 18:59:14

  小编为备考的同学们整理了英语六级口语关键句,希望可以为大家带来帮助,预祝大家高分通过*,一起来学习一下吧。    口语关键句(69)   I don't know why I let you talk me into going. 点睛 talk sb. into/out of sth./doing sth.,意为“说服某人做/不做某事”。在口语中,这一表达比persuade更常用。如:   1) Have you tried talking him into joining our club? 你有没有试着说服他加入我们的社团?   2) I talked him out of working for his boss, after he fulfilled the contract there. 我劝他在合同期满后不要再为他的老板工作

英语六级口语关键句   英语四六级

  考点归纳   口语中与talk有关的短语还有很多。如: table talk 席间闲谈 talk against time 用谈话消磨时间 talk at sb. 影射某人,指桑骂槐地讲某人 talk big/tall 吹牛,说大话   talk back 顶嘴;反驳 talk horse 吹牛 talk down to sb. 居高临下地对某人说话 talk over 商量;说服 talk nineteen to the dozen 喋喋不休 talk round 说服;讲话兜圈子 talk off the top of one's head 即席发表谈话 talk show 谈话节目,脱口秀 talk sb.'s arm/ear/head off 对某人唠叨不休 talk sb. around 说服某人   talk shop 说行话;三句话不离老本行 talk sense 说话有道理 talk through one's hat/neck 吹牛 talk the hind leg off a donkey 唠叨不停

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