

发布时间: 2019-09-12 15:35:51

  雅思part1新题perfume这个话题所需基础词汇,大家请看上节内容:希望对大家的学习有所帮助。   Do you like perfume?   Yes, I do. I like perfume, especially floral perfume because of its sweet scents(甜甜的味道).Well, I always like to apply my perfume behind my knees and inside of my elbows|?elb??|(喷在自己的膝盖后面和手肘处).   拓展:   apply perfume 喷/ 擦香水,强调动作   还有:spray|spre?|,dab|d?b|   所以我们可以这样说:   I like todab my perfume onto my "pulse points"(擦在脉搏点上), like on my wrists.   I like tospraysome perfume behind my ears(喷在我的耳朵后面).   Do you often use perfume?   Absolutely. I wear perfume every single day. Honestly, when I smell good, I feel good about myself. Perfume even boosts my confidence (增长自信)on some special occasions like an interview.   What kind of perfume do you like?

雅思话题基础词汇分享    雅思阅读

  As I said before, floral perfume is my favorite. I like wearing sweet scents, which help to ease my tension and reduce anxiety (缓解紧张情绪以及减少焦虑).   Do you send perfume as a gift?   Sure. I believe that every one loves perfume. I send citrus cologne to boys while I give floral perfume to girls. It's just an easy way for me to choose a gift on my friends' birthdays.   Have you sent perfume as a gift before?   Yes, I have. Last week, I sent Jo Malone Red Roses to my friend, Jane, on her birthday. She told me that she loved the scent of roses.

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