面议发布时间: 2019-09-16 17:34:32
1) 作为世界上一家电子股票交易市场,纳斯达克早就地进行了技术交易的创新。
As the world’s first electronic stock market, NASDAQ long age set a precedent for technological trading innovation that is unrivaled.
2) 被公认为全球自由的经济体之一,也是进人内地市场的门户。
Hong Kong is widely recognized as one of the economies in the world, and the gateway to the Mainland market.
3) 周二,各界盛传美联储可能再次降息,以缓解股价暴跌对经济的冲击。
On Tuesday, it was widely rumored that US Federal Reserve would probably decrease interest rate again to relieve strike of sharp stock slump to economy.
4) 随着计算机技术的发展和互联网的广泛应用,计算机病毒越来越猖獗,这对网络信息安全的构成严重威胁。
With development of the computer technology and wide use of the Internet, computer virus has become rampant, posing a severe threat to information security on the Internet.
5) *本来打算把所有工人的加薪幅度在一个合理的水平上,但是几家行业工会抢先一步,在新的法规生效之前获得了大幅度的加薪。
The government had intended to limit the wage increase of all workers to a reasonable amount, but several trade unions stole a march on them by receiving large increases before the new laws came into effect.
6) 经过几个小时的谈话后,他们终于放弃了不合理的要求。
After several hours’ negotiations, they finally backed down from their unreasonable demands.
7) 这与亚洲金融危机紧张时期的情况刚好相反,当时资金紧缩,银行间同业拆借率高达12%。
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