

发布时间: 2019-09-18 15:59:34

   本期托福独立口语高频话题Do you agree or disagree with the opinion that the most important lesson can't be learned in class?
  I agree with statement that the most important lesson can not be learned in classes. The lessons we have learned in class is fundamental knowledge instead of application. Take me for example, I major in material science and engineering. What I have learned in school is what is a polymer and what is metal. However, if we were in the society we would learn much more practical which is necessary for acquiring skills. We must know how to put those knowledge into practice. For the more, the society is changing constantly, sometimes the fundamental knowledge we have learned in class is out of percise.
   资深讲师批改意见语法方面出现的错误 ( Grammar )
  1 the most important lesson ———— the most important lessons
  2 the lessons … is ———— the lessons … are
  3 what is a polymer and what is a metal ———— what polymers and metals are
  4 those knowledge ———— that knowledge

托福口语话题最重要的一棵 托福培训

  表达部分存在的问题 ( Expression )
  1 in the society ———— in society
  2 much more practical ———— much more practical information
  3 is out of percise ———— is no longer percise
   此高频话题高分口语模板分享I agree with statement that the most important lessons can not be learned in classes. The lessons we have learned in class are fundamental knowledge instead of application. Take me for example, I major in material science and engineering. What I have learned in school is what polymers and metals are. However, in society, we would learn much more practical information which is necessary for acquiring skills. We must know how to put that information into practice. Futhermore, society is changing constantly, sometimes the fundamental knowledge we learn in class is no longer percise.

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