

发布时间: 2019-09-22 22:47:12

  Does Engineering Pay More Than Liberal Arts?
  The starting pay of certain liberal arts majors generally is well below that of graduates in engineering fields.
  Graduates with engineering degrees earned average starting pay of $56,000 in their first full-time jobs out of college. Communications and English majors only earned $34,000 in their first jobs.
  工科学生毕业后第1份全职工作的平均起薪是年薪5.6 万美元,而传媒和英语专业学生毕业后第1份工作的年薪只有3.4 万美元。
  The survey, which was conducted by PayScale.com between April and June of this year, was answered by about 11,000 people who graduated between 1999 and 2010. The reported starting pay was adjusted for inflation to make the salaries of graduates from different years comparable.
  PayScale.com 今年4 月至6 月间对1.1 万名1999 年至2010 年间左右的毕业生进行了收入调查。为了使不同时间毕业的学生的薪水具有可比性,调查报告数据剔除了通胀因素。

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  The pay advantage of graduates with technical degrees often persists throughout their careers, said Fort Collins, Colo.-based career counselor Katy Piotrowski. Although liberal arts majors have a wide range of salaries, Ms. Piotrowski said that mid-career liberal arts majors she works with in northern Colorado make between $60,000 and $70,000. Those with technical degrees make at least $10,000 more.
  科罗拉多州职业咨询师皮奥特罗斯基说,技术专业毕业生相较于文科毕业生的薪水优势通常会贯穿于整个职业生涯。她说,尽管不同的文科专业,薪水差别也比较大,但她在北科罗拉多州接触到的处于职业生涯中期的文科专业毕业生的年薪在6 万到7 万美元之间。毕业于技术专业的人的薪水至少高出1 万美元。
  “Technical majors even have an advantage in fields that are typically hotbeds for liberal arts majors ” , she said. “Technical degrees are valued in all fields. I’ve seen a company communications department actually prefer that someone have an engineering degree rather than a communications degree,”she said.

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