

发布时间: 2019-09-23 11:24:25

  A. Concern of national security and privacy risks.
  B. Property concern
  C. Virus problem.
  D. Competition.
  A. FaceApp says on its website that it has over 80 million active users.
  B. FaceApp was launched in 2017.
  C. FaceApp was developed by Wireless Lab, a company based in Russia.
  D. FaceApp provides user data to the Russian government.
  Democratic Party leaders are warning that FaceApp, a photo-editing smartphone application developed in Russia, could present "national security and privacy risks for millions of U.S. citizens." FaceApp uses artificial intelligence to show a person what they may look like as they age. On Wednesday, U.S. Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer called on the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Federal Trade Commission to investigate FaceApp. Launched in 2017, FaceApp was developed by Wireless Lab, a company based in Russia. FaceApp says on its website that it has over 80 million active users. FaceApp has been criticized for not clearly communicating to users that it uploads images onto a shared "cloud" rather than processing the image results on an individual user's device. There is no evidence that FaceApp provides user data to the Russian government. In his letter, Schumer said it is not clear how the app keeps the data of users. It also is not clear how people can be sure that the app removes their data after usage. Schumer also said the company's connection to Russia raises questions about how FaceApp lets other groups, including foreign governments, gain access to the data of American citizens. In a statement published by several media organizations, FaceApp has denied selling or sharing user data with others. FaceApp also said most images are removed from its servers within 48 hours of the upload date. It said most people who use the app do not log in, so the company is not able to identify individuals. And, it said that while the company's research and development team is based in Russia, the user data is not transferred to Russia.
  Question 1: According to the news report, why did U.S. Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer call for investigating FaceApp?
  Question 2: According to the news report, which of the following statements about FaceApp is not correct?

19年英语四级新闻听力分享       四六级学习

  1. artificial intelligence: the study of how to produce machines that have some of the qualities that the human mind has, such as the ability to understand language, recognize pictures, solve problems, and learn 人工智能
  2. process: If a computer processes information, it performs a particular series of operations on the information, such as a set of calculations. (计算机)处理(数据)
  3. transfer: to move someone or something from one place, vehicle, person, or group to another 搬;转移
  利用AI技术,FaceApp能够将人像照片进行造型转化,比如把哭脸变成笑脸、给你的发型加上刘海、男女性别互换等28种功能。随着FaceApp的爆火,一些在线用户开始担心该公司保留用户数据的隐私影响。俄罗斯监听实验室(Wireless Lab)是一家运营FaceApp的公司,根据其服务条款,该公司保留将你的照片、姓名和肖像用于任何目的的权力。面对颇多的安全问题,尽管FaceApp一一予以否认,但美国参议院少数党领袖Chuck Schumer认为这的确很危险,并请求FBI对该应用展开一系列调查。
  Question 1: A
  Question 2: D

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