

发布时间: 2019-09-24 13:20:31

  A. It was about 50 percent less than other treatments that can be ongoing for years.
  B. It will let health insurance companies break up the cost in payments of $425,000 over five years.
  C. It plans to give money back if the treatment does not work.
  D. The $2.1-million therapy is able to correct damage already done.
  A. Inability to move.
  B. Inability to swallow.
  C. Inability to breathe.
  D. Inability to talk.
  U.S. officials have approved the costliest medicine in history – a $2.1-million gene therapy that treats a rare childhood disease. Gene therapy is a medical treatment in which healthy genetic material is introduced into cells to replace abnormal genes. Over time, the disease can make it impossible for the child to move, swallow or breathe. The disease affects about 1 in 10,000 births. In 90 percent of cases, the condition causes death or the need for permanent breathing assistance by age two. The disease is the leading cause of genetic infant death. The approval covers babies with the deadliest kind of the disease as well as those with forms that develop more slowly over time. The treatment represents a new kind of "transformational medicine" that opens the door to future gene therapies. The $2.1-million therapy was about 50 percent less than other treatments that can be ongoing for years. It will let health insurance companies break up the cost in payments of $425,000 over five years. It also plans to give money back if the treatment does not work. The FDA said the drug's safety had been tested in completed and ongoing trials involving 36 patients between the ages of two weeks and eight months. Most evidence of the treatment's effectiveness is based on the ongoing trials. Those who got the treatment very early in life did the best. But the medicine was not able to correct damage already done. While it is too early to know how long the effectiveness of the treatment will last, some doctors have hope that it could last a lifetime.

英语四级新闻听力分享  英语四六级

  Question 1: According to the news report, which of the following statements about the gene therapy is not correct?
  Question 2: According to the news report, which of the following is not caused by the rare childhood disease?
  1. therapy a treatment that helps someone feel better, grow stronger, etc., especially after an illness 治疗;疗法
  2. permanent: lasting for a long time or for ever 长久的;永久的,永恒的
  3. transformational: causing a major change to something or someone, especially in a way that makes it or them better 彻底改观的,使大变样的;有改造能力的
  4. ongoing: continuing to exist or develop, or happening at the present moment 持续存在的;不断发展的;继续进行的;进行中的
  5月24日,美国FDA批准了诺华公司的一、个用于治疗2岁以下脊髓性肌萎缩症(spinal muscular atrophy,SMA)的基因疗法——Zolgensma。这个基因疗法的获批标志着用基因和细胞疗法 (cell and gene therapy) 来治疗疾病的一个里程碑。该基因疗法主要针对一型脊髓性肌萎缩症(SMA1)严重的一种类型——大部分患有这种病的婴儿会因为呼吸衰竭而活不过2岁。
  Question 1: D
  Question 2: D

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