

发布时间: 2019-10-16 12:32:19

  A. U.S. administration proposes to ban refugee program.
  B. U.S. administration proposes historically low refugee limit.
  C. U.S. administration proposes to increase refugee resettlement program application standard.
  D. U.S. administration proposes to increase the number of refugees accepted
  A. New limit.
  B. New powers for state and local officials.
  C. New classification for refugees.
  D. New application requirement.
  American President Donald Trump and his administration have proposed that the United States accept up to 18,000 refugees in the coming year. The State Department said the proposed number would be the lowest since 1980. For the 12 months ending on September 30, the country will have accepted about 30,000 refugees. If the administration's proposal is approved, next year will be the third year of cuts to refugee resettlement under the Trump presidency. Before Trump's election in 2016, the Associated Press reported, the number of refugees accepted was between 60,000 and 70,000 a year, on average. During the final year of Barack Obama's presidency, the refugee limit was set at 110,000. Trump reduced that number by more than half in his first year as president. At the time, Trump noted concerns about national security. Supporters of resettling refugees had called for a limit of 95,000 in 2020. The proposed limit on refugees is one of three changes to the resettlement program. The president also approved an executive order that will require state and local governments to "consent" to accept refugees for resettlement. The move would give states the ability to prevent nonprofit organizations operating in the state from accepting refugees. Critics of the U.S. refugee program have called for the number of admissions to be cut and other changes. In addition to the new limit and new powers for state and local officials, the State Department is creating a new classification for refugees.
  Question 1: What’s the main idea of this news report?


  Question 2: According to the news report, which of the following is one of three changes to the resettlement program?
  1. refugee: a person who has escaped from their own country for political, religious, or economic reasons or because of a war 难民;避难者;逃亡者
  2. resettlement: the act or process of helping someone move to another place to live, or the act of moving to another place to live 重新安置
  3. presidency: the job of being president, or the period when someone is a president 总统职务(或任期)
  4. consent: to agree to do something, or to allow someone to do something 同意;答应;许可,允许
  5. classification: the act or process of dividing things into groups according to their type 将…分类,将…归类;把…分级

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