

发布时间: 2019-10-18 18:43:42

  A. Scientists observed a collision between Jupiter and a still-developing planet.
  B. The U.S. space agency NASA launched Juno spacecraft on Jupiter in 2011
  C. Massive planet may have crashed into young Jupiter.
  D. Jupiter and Saturn may have crashed into each other million years ago.
  A Through telescope.
  B. Through camera.
  C. Through NASA's Juno spacecraft.
  D. Through satellites orbiting Earth.

英语四级新闻听力讲解分享  英语四六级报名

  A new study suggests that the planet Jupiter may have been hit a long time ago by a still-developing planet, one about 10 times the size of Earth. Scientists believe the head-on crash took place not long after Jupiter was formed. Scientists say such a violent collision could explain conditions inside the center of the planet. Astronomers believe the collision may have happened several million years after the formation of our sun. Researchers have long sought to understand more about Jupiter. In recent years, the U.S. space agency NASA has carried out research on the planet. NASA's Juno spacecraft, launched in 2011, uses instruments to measure the planet's gravitational and magnetic fields. In the latest study, researchers examined data and other measurements collected by Juno. They used this information to build models to predict what the planet's core is made of and how it is structured. Their models supported the theory that a head-on collision took place between Jupiter and a still-developing planet. The team's findings suggest the object that hit Jupiter would have been about 10 times the size of Earth. Such a crash, involving the two massive planets, could have broken apart Jupiter's dense core and mixed light elements with heavy ones. The study found there was at least a 40 percent chance that Jupiter would collide with a still-forming planet within its first few million years. The researchers also suggest that a similar collision, involving the planet Saturn, may have happened while the solar system was still young. This may explain the structural differences that exist between Jupiter and Saturn, they said.
  Question 1: What’s the main idea of this news report?
  Question 2: According to the news report, how did scientists get the data about Jupiter’s gravitational and magnetic fields?
  1. head-on: A head-on accident is one in which the fronts of two vehicles hit each other. (事故)迎头相撞的,正面相撞的
  2. crash: If a vehicle crashes or someone crashes it, it is involved in an accident, usually a serious one in which the vehicle is damaged, and someone is hurt. 撞(车);撞毁,撞坏;坠毁
  3. collision: an accident that happens when two vehicles hit each other with force (车辆的)碰撞,互撞
  4. astronomer: someone who studies astronomy 天文学家
  5. gravitation: in science, the force that attracts all objects towards one another 引力
  6. magnetic field: an area around a magnet or something magnetic, in which it has a force to attract objects to itself 磁场
  7. dense: having parts that are close together so that it is difficult to go or see through 浓的,浓密的;浓重的

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