

发布时间: 2019-10-19 11:54:50

  More and more parents allow their children to play on computers or tablets (like iPads) because they think that children should learn technology skills. Do the advantages outweigh disadvantages?
  在具体利弊的选择上,先从题目的关键词中寻找线索,比如这道题目中的they think that children should learn technology skills,家长让孩子玩电脑的初衷,是认为孩子应该学习新科技。这一点可以同玩电脑的弊端结合起来——即坏处是由父母的这一偏见导致的,如这种一厢情愿的把玩电脑等同于学习新技能的误解,是导致很多坏处的核心原因。再由此展开具体的坏处若干。
  l computers or tablets (like iPads):文中要有明确的回应,具体的好处和坏处是什么
  l learn technology skills:对好坏做了限定,都要围绕是针对学习新技能的

雅思大作文7分范文分享  雅思阅读

  A growing number of parents think it important for children to acquire new technology and therefore allow offspring to play with computer and iPads. Personally, I do not think the practice will achieve its desired result. Rather,I tend to worry more about its side effects on children’s all-round development.
  Superficially, many parents take it for granted that manipulating electronic gadgets means the acquisition of new technology. From their perspective, it is the technology that dominates almost all aspects of life, whether these be the smart cooker in the kitchen or the iPads that provides almost all answers to the problems in study and work. An early exposure to computers endows children the ability to operate electronic products and the software, both of which is indispensable to their future study and working careers. Taking this point to a further step, the younger generation who are adapted to computers are more likely to be creative thinkers who can seek answers via the Internet, rather than a passive learner who are stick to the traditional views of elders.
  Plausible though the argument sounds, I do not reckon the vision as optimistic as many parents have expected. The core issue is that it is over idealistic to equate playing on computers with learning new skills. Instead of obtaining something useful for study or later life, the disappointing fact is that many children are just lost in the rabbit hole of games, latest season of TV shows, not to mention the obscene content containing violent and erotic scenes. As well as the neglect of what children do on the computer, another problem we cannot afford to ignore is the detrimental impacts on children’s emotional development: an over indulgence in the virtual world from an early age will inevitably lead to the indifference of many young minds. Such a problem, in the long-term perspective, will become an impediment frustrating the younger generation in the interpersonal relationships in future careers.
  In conclusion, early exposure to computers or other smart gadgets might help children be adapted to new technology skills, the possible benefits, however, cannot be to the detriments of children’s development in the comprehensive consideration.

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