

发布时间: 2019-11-01 15:52:45


一、女孩子“有气质”、“气质美”可以说:She has an aura of elegance.请见以下二例:

1.Rei is one of my ideal role models of beauty. She has an aura of elegance and mystery about her.


2. Prettiest female skater under 18 I picked Ann Patrice because she has an aura of elegance about her and when she smiles her whole face seems to light up. ..

18 岁以下的漂亮溜冰选手中,我挑选了安.帕翠丝,因为她有气质。

二、女孩子“有气质”也可以说:a girl with class. 请见以下四例:

1.I like a girl with class, smiles, and the mutual appreciation of adventure, health, and the finer things in life.

我喜欢有气质的女孩,有笑容,以及彼此都能欣赏冒险、健康及生活中的美好事 物。

2. His Ideal Lady: 'I like a girl with class. You know what I mean, she would choose TC over IHOP anyday. She should also be straightforward about how she feels....

他理想中的女人:我喜欢有气质的女孩,你知道我的意思,任何时候她都会选择上 馆子而不是吃路边摊。

3. Personally, I try and date girls with class. (probably why I' m single) And if this little fiasco upset you, you should probably look for classy girls too. You may ask, “Striegel, where do I find classy ladies?”


4. A girl with class is a girl who doesn't dare to be the same but dares to be different dares to step out of the cloud and rather walk on top of it she wants.


以上前三个例子的“气质”也有“品味”、“格调”的意味,而第四例则有“有个 性”的意味。

三、至于“有钱没气质”可以说:have lots of money but lack class,请见下例:

There was a time when a 5-star hotel was an acceptable substitute for a home away from home, and a meeting place for people having class, sophistication and culture. Instead today, these bastions of luxury are swamped by hordes who have an abundance of money but lack class.

曾经有一度五星级饭店被我们当作是另一个家,是有品味、有涵养的人士聚会的地 方。而如今这些豪华的场所则充斥着一大批有钱没气质的家伙。


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