

发布时间: 2019-11-26 14:45:32

  1.Bargaining讨价还价competitive, win-lose situations;
  2.Selective perception
  When the perceiver singles out certain information that supports a prior belief and filters out information that does not confirm that belief.
  intangible factors are the underlying psychological motivations that may directly or indirectly influence the parties during a negotiation;
  when the parties depend on each other to achieve their own preferred
  outcome they are interdependent;
  5.Negotiator’s dilemma谈判者的困境:the choice of whether to pursue a claiming value strategy is described as the “negotiator’s dilemma”.
  6.initial offer
  the first number the buyer will quote to the seller
  7.Competitive situation竞争性情形: when the goals of two or more people are interconnected so that only one can achieve the goal, this is competitive situation, also known as a zero-sumor distributive situation,in which “individuals are so linked together that there is a negative correlation between their goal attainments”;
  8.Mutual-gainssituation相互获益情形: When parties’ goals arelinked so that one person’s goal achievement helps others to achieve theirgoals, it is a mutual-gains situation,also known as a non-sum or integrative situation;
  an acronym for best alternative to a negotiated agreement;
  10.Thedilemma of honesty诚实困境: it concerns how much of the truth to tell the other party;
  11.Thedilemma of trust信任困境:
  it concerns how much should negotiators believe what the other party tells them;
  12.Distributive bargaining
  accepts the fact that there can only be one winner given the situation and pursues a course of action to be that winner;
  13.Integrative bargaining
  attempts to find solutions so both parties can do well and achieve their goals;
  to do whatever is necessary to claim the reward, gain the lion’s share, or gain the largest piece possible;
  to find a way for all parties to meet their objectives, either by identifying more resources or finding unique ways to share and coordinate the use of existing resources;


  is a very common distortion of the perceptual process. It occurs when one individual assigns attributes to anothersolely on the basis of the other’s membership in a particular social or demographic category.
  actors pursuing the contending strategy pursue their own outcomes strongly and show little concern for whether the other party obtains his or her desired outcomes;
  actors pursuing the yielding strategy show little interest orconcern in whether they attain their own outcomes, but they are quite interested in whether the other party attains his or her outcomes;
  不作为战略: actors pursuing the inaction strategy show little interest in whether they attain their own out-comes, as well as little concern about the other party obtains his or her outcomes;
  20.Problem solving解决问题战略: actors pursuing the problem solving strategy show high concern for attaining their own outcomes and high concern for whether the other
  21.target point目标点: the point at which negotiator would like toconclude negotiations
  22.resistance point拒绝点:
  a negotiator’s bottom line, the mostthe buyer will pay or the smallest amount the seller will settle for
  23.a positive bargaining range积极的谈判空间:the buyer’s resistance is above the the seller’s, and the buyer minimally willing to pay morethan the seller is minimally willing to sell for
  when you receive sth from another person, you should respond in the future with a favor in return
  25.The winner’s curse
  赢家的诅咒: the tendency of negotiators, particularly inan auction setting, to settle quickly on an item and then subsequently feel discomfort about a negotiation win that comes too easily.

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