

发布时间: 2019-11-27 07:30:36

  结尾段怎么写是很多托福考生关心的问题之一。或是因为写作时间不够来不及或者是单纯不知道怎么收尾,很多同学写出的文章都会给人一种虎头蛇尾的感觉。托福独立写作如何写好结尾段 ? 下面小编就来为大家实例讲解结尾段首尾呼应重申观点的写作技巧。
   为什么独立写作结尾段要重申观点 ?小编之所以强调大家要在托福独立写作的结尾段做好首尾呼应重申观点,是因为独立写作从题材要求上来看本质还是议论文,而议论文对于文章结构和论点都有较高要求。考生在开头段阐明的观点,通过几个中间段落的论述后在结尾段再次重申,这样的写法才是比较标准且容易获得高分的正确写法。因此,托福独立写作的结尾段一定要做到重申观点。
  话题 1
  Grades encourage students to learn
  Concerning all the details mentioned above, there is every reason to believe that grades contribute much to stimulating a student ’ s passion for learning
  如果大家的写作剩余时间实在很紧张,可以将文章开头的陈述观点的句子写到到段尾重申,作为呼应。不要出现 I think... 这种句式。


   话题 2
  Choose a job: one with more vacation time , or one with high paying but less vacation time ?
  All in all, the reasons listed above come together to support my viewpoint. From a certain angle, it is rational to believe that a job with more vacation time is better than a job with high salary but long working hours.
  如果考生需要多写一些单词,可以写此句型,All in all 总之,概括的说。rational 理性的,有理的
  话题 3
  Teachers should be paid according to their students ’ performance
  As a result, a number of factors ought to be taken into consideration before such an innovative proposal is finally passed and implemented. Bearing in mind the merits as well as the negative possibilities elaborated above, I would render my support to the notion that teachers can be paid on the basis of their students ’ performance.

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