

发布时间: 2019-11-27 08:30:30

  1.May I try on this pair of shoes? 1.我能试穿这双鞋吗? Yvoone:May I try on this pair of shoes? 怡芳:我可以试穿这双鞋吗 ? Storesales: Of course. What is your size? 店员:当然可以,您穿几号 ? Yvoone:I think it's 35. 怡芳:我穿 35号吧。 Storesales: OK. I'll get it for you. 店员:好的,我去拿。
  Yvoone:Hmm, I don't feel very comfortable. 怡芳:穿起来不太舒服。 Storesales: Try this one, please. This is made of real leather and is very soft. How is it? 店员:那试试这一款真皮的,比较软。怎么样 ? Yvoone:This is just right for me. I'll take this one. 怡芳:这双很舒服。我就买这双。


  2.I'd like to buy a shirt. 2.我想买一件衬衫。 Storesales: May I help you, sir? 店员:先生,您要买什么吗 ? Jason:I'd like to buy a shirt. 杰森:我想买一件衬衫。 Storesales: What color do you want? 店员:您要什么颜色的 ? Jason:I prefer the blue one. 杰森:我要蓝色的。
  Storesales: What size are you? 店员:请问您穿几号 ? Jason:I'm not sure. Could you measure me, please? 杰森:我不太确定。你可以帮我量一下吗 ? Storesales: No problem. I think 40 will be fine for you. 店员:没问题。你应该可以穿 40号。 Jason:Can I try it on? 杰森:我可以试穿吗 ? Storesales: Of course. The fitting room is this way, please. 店员:当然可以。更衣室在这边。

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