环球雅思雅思强化 7 分班
面议发布时间: 2019-11-27 09:57:49
Section 1
1.Time: from8.40to 9.0 am
2.Parents should contact with school byphone
3.Parents can attendartcourse with their kids
4.Next meeting for parents is inJuly
5.There is a newgymbeside the canteen
6.Put name on thecoatsand sweater, not wearboots
7.School holds lots of activities includingcooking, music andchess
8.A summercampis organized every year
9.A professionaldentistfor free checkups
10.They must wear ahelmet
Section 2
题型:选择 地图
11-12. Which two things are about the course?
A English proficiency
B it takes several days to finish
C it is completed in one single session
D one part is conducted on road
E it is for person who has a driving license
13-14. What things are right about the course?
A it involved police offence topics
B the course receives tuition fees
C it is compulsory course
D it is divided into theoretical and practical elements
E it uses new equipment
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