

发布时间: 2019-11-27 09:57:53

  01 | 听力
  Section 1
  1. Contact number: 0617423360 2. A new kitchen 3. A good view of a lake 4. The 3rdbedroom is downstairs 5. The 3-bedrrom can be changed into a living room 6. A town house on cardinal street - can see the park 7. If you can drive 8. Good choice of school 9. Renting price include electricity 10. Need to pay a depos it in advanceSection 2
  题型:选择 匹配
  11 Green island is special for its A water(the water is clean) B fish C plant 12 Who built/founded this park? B Peter 13-14 In what condition tourists can have a good view in the sea? A no wind B no rain for a week 15-20) Matching A visitor can do all the time B visitor can do something C visitor cannot do at anytime 15 beach activities- B 16 climb mountain- B 17 private boat- A 18 feed the fish- B 19 touch the fish- C 20 take photos- ASection 3
  题型:单选 匹配
  21 What maybe a problem of choosing this topic? C Other student may have presented the similar topic 22 What do the scientists in experiment do? B the rats react seriously with a large amount of slats 23 What happened to salt usage in Japan? B the salt consumption kept reduced 24 What is the impact of salt consumption changes? C pressure on food manufacture 25 What are the attitudes of government? A not interested in expenseSections of presentation
  26 lead-in questions-- result must be rehearsed with other groups 27 early research-- inaccurate figures to be checked 28 past campaigns-- to add more detailed descriptions 29 legislation-- be more critical thinking 30 health risks-- talk with the audienceSection 4


  31.some species take over agarden
  32.mainly came to the land by birds andhumans
  33.original place:Europe
  34.economic problem:affect the industry of commodity industry like timber
  35.biological control such asinsects
  Japanese barberry
  36.1975, seeds invade USA fromRussia
  38.leaves:smooth, dark green
  Common buckhorn
  39. 传播media: flowers eatenbirds
  40. treatment to seriousdigestiveproblem
  02| 阅读
  Passage 1希腊硬币 | 说明文
  Passage 2悉尼路边| 说明文
  Passage 3书评| 说明文
  03 | 写作
  Task1: 柱线混合图
  主题:The graphs show the tourist number to Australia and types of travels among three nations.
  In some countries, the difference in age between parents and children is generally greater than it was in the past. Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantages?

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