

发布时间: 2019-11-27 09:58:21

  01 | 听力
  Section 1
  1. Event open in:11th March
  2. Length of the exhibition3days
  3. Some cars are to observe and the others are fortest
  4. Nocamerais allowed in museum
  5. Price of the ticket $110if you pay in advance
  6. the manager name:Edgeworth, Mark
  7. Held in the PalaceSummerthis year
  8. Not for far from thecity center
  9. Website:www.directions.com
  10. Best simplest way to contact:online
  Section 2
  题型:地图 选择
  11 journals-C
  12 cushion-F
  13 computer area-D
  14 cafe bar-A
  15 newspaper-H
  16 The reason for the layout is
  A good environment
  B convenience for customers
  C make people stay in the store longer
  17 Where is the section for children’s books
  A the ground floor
  B midway up the building
  C top floor
  18 For adults, which facilities is free of charge?
  A training staff to help childcare
  B nursing care of children
  C professional childcare
  19 The store asks sales representatives
  A -
  B persuading people buy book as more as possible
  C generating funding through charging people
  20 The purpose of inviting a famous writer to come for the opening is
  A encourage people to publish their work of poem
  B encourage people' s interest of becoming a poet
  C reading their poets to the public


  Section 3
  题型:选择 匹配
  21 Previous hospital put the art and music focused on
  A Children patients
  B Patient who have psychological problems
  C Medical staffs in the hospital
  22 Why they put arts and music in the hospital?
  C patients not always focus on minor issues
  23 What’s the attitude of staff to the idea as putting art into West pool hospital?
  A they are too busy to notice that
  B firstly staff and patients achieved little agreement
  C because they are impractical
  24 what the research purpose of the survey adaptation?
  A focused problems in hospital management issue
  C aimed at the decrease inconvenience for the staff
  25. Postnatal clinic—G
  26. Trauma and Dissociation—F
  27. Day surgery clinic—B
  28. Children’s clinic—A
  29. First aid & emergency—C
  30. gynecology clinic—D
  Section 4

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