没听清问题或似懂非懂时,可以礼貌地请考官重复或者换一种表达方式问你,可用的表达有:1. If I understand right, …2. I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand. Do you mean (that)…?3. Sorry I don't quite catch you. When you say …, do you mean …?4. I'm not exactly sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps)…5. That's a rather difficult question, but (maybe)…6. Could you please rephrase that question / topic?1. That's an interesting question.2. Well, it's really hard to say.3. Acturally, I don't quite remember.4.Um, if I have to take a pick, I'd go to the former/latter one.
如果你在表达完观点后发觉说的并不完善,需要用更多的语言去解释,那么换种方式重述观点的开头可以是:1. In other words, I am …3. Let me put it another way, …4. What I'm suggesting is …5. All I'm trying to say is …6. What I'm getting at is …7. If I can rephrase that, …8. Perhaps I should make that clearer by saying …9. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say …6. Let me think for a second, ...7. Give me a few seconds, …长沙科技工程学校商务英语专业读几年(长沙科技工程学校)
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