面议发布时间: 2025-01-18
华东理工*中德双学位 MEM 是融合德国柏林工业*全球生产工程硕士(Global Production Engineering)与华东理工*工程管理硕士( Master of Engineering Management) 优势课程的双学位硕士项目,是国内稀缺的管理+工程跨*双学位硕士,被誉为"制造业的MBA"。自2019年开办以来,该项目以培养"全球制造业领袖"为己任,聚焦我国制造行业的人才需求,引进的德国柏林工业*先进课程和雄厚师资,特有的"四位一体"培养模式从课程讲授、海外游学、实习报告和学位论文四个维度,在行动学习、案例教学、实践课题、模拟系统等具有时效性、动态性和针对性的教学方法中,实现理论和实践的紧密结合,全面培养学生研究技术和经济体系的能力、管理生产制造型企业的能力、跨*生产技术的研发能力、分析和解决工程和管理问题的能力和与全球专业人才交流与协作能力,获得来自社会和行业的好评。
国际*的德国柏林工业*(Technische Universität Berlin,TU Berlin)位于欧洲中心的德国首都。柏林理工*拥有近34500名学生、约100门课程和40所*,是德国*大的技术*之一。除位于柏林市中心的主校区外,柏林市区还有多个校区,在埃及El Gouna还有一个卫星校区。
The internationally renowned Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) is located in Germany’s capital city at the heart of Europe. With almost 34,500 students, around 100 course offerings and 40 institutes, TU Berlin is one of Germany’s largest technical universities. Apart from the main campus in central Berlin, there are further sites across the city of Berlin and a satellite campus in El Gouna, Egypt.
TU Berlin是TU9——德国*大、**的九所理工*联盟的成员,成员院校学生可在多所工程学校之间进行交流。
TU Berlin is a member of TU9, which is the alliance of nine of the largest and most notable German institutes of technology. This membership allows for student exchanges between many of the engineering schools.
The university’s academic activities are focused on achieving four sharply-defined goals: building a distinctive profile for the university, ensuring exceptional performance in research and teaching, providing graduates with excellent qualifications and a modern approach to university administration. Strong regional, national and international networking with partners in science and industry are an important aspect in these endeavors.
更多培训课程,学习资讯,课程优惠,课程开班,学校地址等学校信息,请进入 陌老师网站详细了解