面议发布时间: 2021-05-20 23:27:15
“你说什么”的英文表达为What did you say。例句:"Eh? What did you say?" Uncle Matt asked.(“欸,你说什么?”马特叔叔问道。)欸,你说什么?Eh? What did you say? “你说什么?”马特叔叔问道。"What did you say?" Uncle Matt asked. 有一两次我听见她在嘀嘀咕咕,但当我说“抱歉?你说什么?”时,她没有回答。Once or twice I heard her muttering, but when I said, "Sorry? What did you say?" she didn't respond. 呣,你说什么?Yes? What did you say? 问题不在于你说什么,而在于你怎么说。It's not what you say, it's the way that you say it. 你说什么?What d'you say? 你说什么?能不能把你的问题再说一遍?关注公众号:听英语故事
没问题的英文:no problem参考例句:No sweat. This project will be a piece of cake."没问题,这项计划不费吹灰之力。"Certainly. You can buy Chinese food at any .没问题,你可以在任何超级市场买到*食品。rouge Two, are you all right?洛杰二号!你没问题吗?all these , you may be sure, will cease at Bombay.'这种体操式的旅行到了孟买,就完事大吉,没问题,您瞧吧。”Yes, it's a cinch.是的,没问题。The dome lamp is OK.顶灯没问题。I don't see any problem.我看没问题。It seems all right.看来这没问题Why not? See you there.没问题,那么周末见了。The direction indicator seems all right.方向灯看上去没问题。It was a complex problem.这是一个复杂的问题。Is the problem that easy?问题有那么简单吗?This is a prime problem.这是一个有关质数的问题。These are the resolved problems.这些是已经解决的问题。The housing problem is bound up with the problem of gale controls.住屋问题涉及租金控制问题。关注公众号:听英语故事
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