

发布时间: 2021-09-24 15:33:12

最近很多人都在咨询英语四级考试范文为自己的学历做准备,我也为大家整理了一些资料供大家参考2000年*英语四级考试作文范文,求适合英语四级考试作文的万能句,英语四级考试的意义 英语范文,英语四级考试考多长时间??


: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a on the topic Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? The first sentence has already been written for you. You should write at least 100 words, and base your on the outline given in Chinese below: www.17he.com 1. 很多人认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是...... 一起呵英语 2. 也有人持不同意见,...... www.17he.com 3. 我的看法和打算 www.17he.com 范文: 一起呵英语 A host of people teachers think it is necessary to hold spoken English test. They regard if someone want to master English well, he had to say English fluently. Firstly, through such a test, which can motivate students plunge into learning spoken English. Secondly, China is a competing society. Pehaps you will beat your rival obtaining your job which you are satisfied with by saying fluent English. Lastly, China is reform and opening-up. Many come into China. If you want to with them,you had to grasp spoken English well. All these points are to holding spoken English test. 一起呵英语 Some people ,however, take a different attitude. Spoken English test is regarded as being . For one thing, they think China has not a good language to practice spoken English. For another, In daily life, most of us have a touch with Chinese. It is for us to with each other in using English. 17HE.COM As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of holding spoken English test, which will benifit students forever. If you can say English fluently,you will pround of yourself. So I decide to study spoken English hard and grasp every to practice my spoken English. 17HE.COM


4级的没复习过,但我看过很多6级的作文模版,供参考: 开头:With the of... 随着。。的发展 Recent years have witnessed the of... 近些年见证了。。的发展 ....now can been widely seen 现在。。现象是很普遍很常见的 中间:There are several reasons for this 对于这个现象有几个原因 There are several facotors should be .有几个因素应该考虑 或 There are several facotors should be taken into account. To begin with,(要接逗号)首先,(后面阐述观点) Besides,(接逗号)除此之外,还有,(接第2个观点) 类似地,还可以用what's more,moreoever连接 如果还有*一个观点,The last but not the least,(有逗号),* *一段,个人看法: As far as I am concerned,我认为。。。 这几个是比较常见的,我也拿来自己用了,用的次数也很多。其他的也有,但我本人用得比较少

3.英语四级考试的意义 英语范文



级别 考试时间 考试全程时间英语四级 9:00-11:20 140分钟英语六级 15:00-17:20 140分钟


更多培训课程,学习资讯,课程优惠,课程开班,学校地址等学校信息,请进入 上海新东方考研辅导中心网站详细了解





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