

发布时间: 2021-09-29 10:45:06

湖南*翻译硕士哪个专业好 ,考研是目前在国内提升学历的一个手段,那么除了一些热门的专业之外,还有翻译专业,接下来就随着小编去一起了解下我想考湖南*的研究生谁能够告诉我湖南*的热门专业和好考的专业是什么,湖南*研究生院经济学有什么专业,详细一点。求解答!??。


城市规划属于湖南*建筑,湖大建筑学实力为*前9,已经很有影响力,湖南*有建筑博士点的*城市规划专业本科培养方案Education Scheme for of Urban Planning一、培养目标I. of Education培养具有良好综合素质,能在城市规划及设计、城市规划管理、房地产开发等*从事城市规划设计与管理的复合型人才。城市规划专业的学生必须具有一定的政治思维、经济分析和领导艺术才能,能很好地综合与协调城市规划中各种问题,了解建筑、市政工程及房地产管理的各种技术经济知识,了解城市规划、经济环境与文化之间的关系,熟练掌握现行的法规、规范和标准,能较流利地阅读本专业外文书刊,并具备一定的外语交际能力。In line with the of the socialist of our country, this program, adhering to the important thought of the “Three ”, aims at the of cross- urban planning and for sectors like urban planning and design, urban planning and , and real state , with all-round in morality, expertise and physique. Graduates of urban planning are meant to be skillful in political thinking, economic analysis and arts of leadship, in order to solve practical problems in urban planning. Graduates, with a mastery of the knowledge of economics and of , civil and real estate , will the relations among urban planning, economic and culture and fully current codes, and standards. Graduates will also be in foreign languages and will be capable of and reading journals and books of this major in foreign languages. 二、专业特色II. Features of the Program采用小班教学为主,理论与实践相结合,尤其重在规划设计的实践和动手能力的培养,专业特色突出了实践性、综合性与整体性能力的培养。With well-organized education in small classes, this program stresses the of theory with practice, the among the students of their practical in planning and design. Fully embodied in this program are the emphases on the of the students’ abilities in practice, and their overall qualities. 三、学制与学位授予III. Duration of the Program and Degree to Be Awarded1、本科学制5年,按照学分制管理,实行弹性学习年限(最长7年)。1. Duration of the Program: Managed in with the credit system, the program lasts 5 years, and it may last a maximum of 7 years in a flexible manner2、授予工学学士学位。2. Degree to Be Awarded: Bachelor . 四、专业及专业方向IV. Major and 1、丘陵地区城市规划理论与设计1. Theories and Design of Urban Planning in Foothill Areas 2、人居环境设计2. Design of 3、风景园林设计3. Design of Landscape Gardens 五、主干*V. Major :城市规划Urban Planning


湖大有经贸和金融统计,经贸最牛的是国贸*重点*,排名前三,经济学分应用经济学和理论经济学,和税务,国际商务硕士两个专硕理论经济学包括西方经济学,世界经济,政治经济学,人口资源环境,其他俩专业经济史和经济思想史没招人应经包括国贸(湖大最牛专业)金融,产业经济学,区域经济学,劳动经济学,国民经济学 保险数量经济学 其中金融在金统 经贸不招金融湖大经济学还好有两个一级博士点,应用经济复试淘汰率很高,理论的淘汰的很少,感觉俩理论和应用基本上也没什么差别,所以聪明人别削尖脑袋往应用里面进,哈哈


更多培训课程,学习资讯,课程优惠,课程开班,学校地址等学校信息,请进入 考研培训机构网站详细了解





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