
A:Let's start with the cleaning masque.A:我们从清洁面膜开始。B:What are the ingredients in your cleaning masque?B:你们清洁面膜的成分是哪些东西?A:It's a combination of oatmeal,yogurt and honey.A:是由燕麦、优酪乳及蜂蜜混合而成的。B:What are they good for?B:它们有哪些好处?A:Oatmeal is a very gentle exfoliator that can remove dead skin from your face.A:燕麦是很温和的去角质剂,它可以去除你脸部老化的角质。B:Uhhuh.What about yogurt and honey?B:喔,那优酪乳和蜂蜜呢?A:Yogurt can soften the skin,and honey is one of the best natural humectants.A:优酪乳可以柔软肌肤,而蜂蜜则是*的天然润湿剂。
A:Will you do the “rose petal facial steam”for me?A:你今天会帮我做“玫瑰花瓣蒸脸”吗?B:No.I plan to do the “peppermint and rosemary facial steam”because the combination of these two plants will soothe tired muscles.B:不会,我打算帮你做“薄荷和迷迭香蒸脸”,因为这两种植物混合可使疲劳的肌肉放松。A:Great.A:好极了。B:Now,no more talking and relaxing for a while.I'll massage your scalp.B:现在,不要再说话,放松休息一下。我帮你做头皮按摩。A:OK.A:好的。
A:Hello.I'd like to have a manicure.A:你好。我想做手部的指甲修护。B:Sure.Please choose the color you'd like.Well,would you like to try our French manicure? It's very popular now!B:好的。请选一下您想擦的颜色。您要不要试我们的法式指甲修护呢?现在很流行。A:Really? I'd also like to have a pedicure.A:真的吗?我同时也想做脚指甲。B:No problem.We have a special discount every Wednesday to Saturday.Usually,it's RMB 150 for a manicure and RMB 210 for a pedicure,but with this special discount,the total is only RMB 350.B:没问题。我们每周三到周六都有特惠折扣。通常修手部的指甲是150元,修脚部的是210元,但用这个特惠折扣,总共只要350元。A:Wow! That's nice! I'd like to give it a try.Let's start it now.A:哇!很棒啊!那我试试看。开始吧!B:All right.Do you want your cuticles cut,too?B:好的。您要剪修指甲周围的表皮吗?A:No,just pushed back please.A:不要,只要稍微往后推就可以了。
A:Hi,I would like to know more about your moisturizers.Could you tell me more about them?A:嗨,我喜欢你们的保湿产品,你可以帮我介绍一下吗?B:Sure.Do you know your skin type?B:好的。你知道你是属于哪一类的肌肤吗?A:I'm not sure.My Tzone gets oily easily,but my cheeks are dry in the winter.A:我不太确定。我的T字部位容易出油,但我的两颊在冬天时却很干。B:I see.This“Crème do Olives” is the bestseller for combination skin.B:我知道了。这个“橄榄滋润霜”是我们针对混合性肌肤卖得最热门的产品。A:What is good about it?A:它好在什么地方?B:It contains a very powerful antioxidant potion made of oliveleaf extracts and Mediterranean herbs.B:它含有一种高效能的抗氧化成分,是由橄榄叶萃炼精华和地中海植物混合而成的。
A:I'll treat myself to a facial massage today. A:今天我要享受一下面部按摩。 B:You deserve it.And we're having a special on facials this weekend. B:你该享受一下。这个周末我们的面部按摩是特价。 A:My good luck.The freezing weather lately has ruined my complexion,you know.So it's time I had a facial. A: 我的运气真好。最近的严寒天气对我的皮肤损坏不小,所以我早该做个面部按摩了。 B: Don't worry.I'll also take care of your eyebrows and eyelashes.I promise you'll feel great after the treatment. B:用不着担心。我也会护理一下你的眉毛和睫毛。我保证护理以后你会觉得特别舒服。
A: I'd like to have a facial. A:我想做面部美容。 B:We're having a special on facials this week. B:这个星期面部美容是特价。 A: By the way,I'm allergic to alcohol.Do you have any masks good for me? A: 顺便问一下,我对酒精过敏。有没有适合我的面膜? B:This brand of mask is especially type of skin.And it works well in whitening. B:这个牌子的面膜是专门针对过敏性皮肤研制的。而且它的美白效果也很好。
A:Now,I am applying the purple mascara to your eyelashes... Then,the pink lip gloss on your cute lips... Okay,the job is done! How do you feel?A:现在呢,我帮你的眼睫毛刷上紫色的睫毛膏……然后,再抹一些粉红色的亮唇膏在你可爱的嘴唇上……好啦,完成了!你觉得如何呢?B:Wow...I feel like a million dollars.B:哇……我觉得真是太棒了!A:You do look like a million dollars.A:你看起来真的是很棒!
A:Doctor,these pimples really get on my nerves.How can I get them cleared up?A:医生,这些痘痘真是让我烦恼死了!要怎样才能清除掉它们呢?B:Hum...I suggest you use some oilfree facial products,especially face wash.B:嗯……我建议你用一些去油的脸部用品,特别是脸部清洁用的。A:So,I can get rid of these zits?A:这样我就可以摆脱这些痘痘了吗?B:No.The oilfree facial products will help you prevent them.I will prescribe some medicine in cream form for you.B:不,去油的脸部用品会帮你预防痘痘,我会再开些药膏给你擦的。
A:We have a few openings tomorrow at 11 a.m. and on Friday at 2 p.m. this week.A我们明天上午11点,星期五下午2点还有时间。B:We can be there tomorrow morning.B:我们明天上午可以过去。A:Great! May I have your names and phone number?A:太好了!请问两位的姓名和电话号码?B:My name is Ma Hua and my friend is Angela White.The phone number is 01088566770.B:我的名字是马华,我的朋友叫怀特。电话号码是 01088566770。A:Thank you,Miss Ma.So,we have both of you down for the body treatment tomorrow at 11 a.m..A:谢谢你,马小姐。那就明天上午11点,欢迎两位过来进行我们的美体疗程。B:Thanks.B:谢谢!
A:Wow! You've done a really wonderful job! Thank you so much!A:哇……你弄得真好!真是太谢谢你了!B:I'm glad that you like it.B:我很高兴你会喜欢。A:Here is your tip... Oops!My God! I messed up my beautiful nails!A:这是给你的小费……哎呀!我的天哪!我毁了我的漂亮指甲!B:Don't worry.I can apply the nail polished to your nails again.And please do not move your fingers until the nail polish is dry.B:别担心,我可以再帮你涂一次指甲油。这回直到指甲油干之前,都不要动你的手指。
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