A : We are thinking of going abroad this year.我们今年想出国度假。
B : Have you decided which country to go to?你决定去哪个*了吗?
A: What's the purpose of your visit?旅行的目的为何?
B : I am here to visit my friends./ I'm just here for holiday.我来访友。/我是来度假的。
A: Helen. where arc we going now?海伦,我们现在去哪里?
B : We will make our first stop at the Eiffel Tower.我们*站先到艾菲尔铁塔。
A: This is lucky charm from China.这是*的幸运符。
B : It's cute, what's this made of?真可爱.是用什么做的?
A : It's made of Chinese jade.是用*玉做的。
A : Someone stoic my purse. I had some valuables in it.有人偷了我的钱包,里面有一些贵重物品。
B : Please come with me to the police station and report it.请跟我到警察局来做一下笔录。
A : How do you enjoy your seaside trip?你们的海滨之行玩得不错吧?
B : We really had a good time.我们玩得很开心。

I'm going on a tour of Singapore.我要去新加坡旅行。
► I plan to take a trip to Europe.我计划到欧洲旅游。
► I think we should register with a travel agency!我想我们应该报个旅行社!
► I want to sign up for a tour of Italy.我想报名参加意大利旅游。
What will the weather be like tomorrow?明天天气会如何?
=What's the weather forecast for tomorrow?明天的天气预报怎么说?
►It's going to be fine tomorrow.明天将是个晴天。
►It will be cloudy then clear up tomorrow.明天是多云转晴。
►It's going to rain/snow tomorrow.明天会下雨/下雪。
► How is the weather today?今天天气怎么样?
► What's the temperature today?今天几度?
Do you mind traveling with a group?你愿意和旅行团一起旅游吗?
► Alone or on a tour?独自旅游还是跟团?
►We arc going on a seven-day trip.我们准备七日游。
► What's the total expense?费用一共是多少?
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