

发布时间: 2019-08-19 10:55:20

  工作之余,抽点业余时间做点有意义的活动,比如运动健身,阅读,交友,旅行等等,对身心健康有益,对工作也有帮助,甚至有时候能够为自身发展打下基础。   What do you like to do in your free time?   你空闲时间都喜欢干什么?   Dou you have any hobbies?   你有业余爱好吗?   Running is my favorite sports.   跑步是我喜爱的运动。   Playing baseball is my pastime   打棒球是我的业余娱乐方式。   Can you suggest a hobby to me?   能给我建议一个爱好吗?   My brother is very interested in work out at the gym.   我哥哥喜欢在健身房健身。   Do you usually do something special in your spare time?   你空闲时间一般做点什么特别的?   I am fond of doing something outdoor, like sports.   我喜欢户外的,比如运动啦。   The young are not keen on jazz.   年轻人不太喜欢爵士乐。


    情景对话   Neil:Do you usually do something special in your spare time?   Kyle:Yes, I like to play instrument with my brother in our garage.   Neil:Wow, so you like music?   Kyle:That's true. I like playing drums.   Neil:It sounds cool. Do you spend a lot of time on your hobbies?   Kyle:Yeah, I devoted most of my spare time to our unknown band.   Neil:How many people are in your band? What kind of music you play?   Kyle:We have one keyboard player, one bass guitar player,and two guitar player, and me, a drummer. We play heavy metal music.   Neil:Great. You rock!   Kyle:What's your hobby in your free time? Music?   Neil:Frankly, I don't like music at all. I am fond of doing something outdoor, like sports.   Kyle:Yes, I heard you were in school basketball team.   Neil:Yeah, I enjoy it very much, and we are training for the next season.   Kyle:Gook luck.   Neil:Thank you.   尼尔:你空闲时间一般做点什么特别的?   凯勒:我喜欢和哥哥在车库玩乐器。   尼尔:哇,那你喜欢音乐咯?   凯勒:是的。我喜欢敲鼓。   尼尔:听起来真酷。你花很多时间在这个爱好上吗?   凯勒:是的。我的大部分空闲时间都花在我们乐队上啦。   尼尔:你们乐队几个人?玩什么音乐呢?   凯勒:我们有一个键盘手,一个贝司手,两个吉他手,还有鼓手,就是我。我们玩重型金属乐。   尼尔:真棒!你真酷!   凯勒:那你空闲时间喜欢做什么?音乐吗?   尼尔:坦白说,我一点都不喜欢音乐。我喜欢户外的,比如运动啦。   凯勒:也对,我听说你在学校篮球队。   尼尔:是的。我非常喜欢我们球队,我们在训练准备下个赛季。   凯勒:祝你好运。   尼尔:谢谢。

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