

发布时间: 2019-08-22 15:00:35

  相关词汇   barbershop   n. 理发店   blower  n. 吹风机   conditioner   n. 护发素   dandruff  n. 头皮屑   effective  adj 有效的   enrich  v. 使丰富   hair care  头发护理   hairdresser  n. 美发师   itchy  adj. 发痒的   massage  n. 按摩   popular  adj. 流行的,受欢迎的   rinse  v. 冲洗   scale  n. 鳞   scalp  n. 头皮   scissor  n. 剪刀   scurf  n.头皮屑   shampoo  n. 洗发水   suitable  adj. 适当的,相配的   thoroughly  adv. 完全地   vitamin   维生素


    情景对话:   A: Excuse me? What can I do for you?   B: Oh, yes! I want to buy shampoo.   A: This way, please. We have many brands of shampoo.   B: Let me think for a while. My scalp is full of dandruff and always itchy. So which one do you think is more suitable for me?   A: You know, Head-shoulders is very effective in treating scurf and it is very popular here in China. So I recommend Head-shoulders.   B: OK, that sounds good. I will take it.   A: Would you like some hair conditioner? It's good for the scalp and it prevents dandruff.   B: Really? I have never used it. Which brand do you recommend?   A: How about this one? It's the newest and it is vitamin Eenriched.   B: It seems nice and it smells good! But how to use it?   A: After rinsing your hair thoroughly, apply conditioner to your hair, gently massage, leave it for five minutes and then rinse with water.   B: Oh! I see. I'll take it, too. Where's the cashier?   A: Let me lead you there.   参考译文:   A:您好,想买些什么?   B:买洗发水。   A:这边请。我们有许多品牌的洗发水。   B:让我想想。我的头皮屑很多,而几经常觉得头皮痒.你有什么推荐的品牌吗?   A:哦,海飞丝对付头皮屑有特效,而且在*市场卖得非常好,我推荐海飞丝。   B:听起来不错,那就买海飞丝吧。   A:需不需要再买一瓶护发素?护发素可以保护头皮,抑制头皮屑的生长。   B:是吗?我从没用过护发素。你有推荐的品牌吗?   A:这瓶怎么样?这是新的产品,富含维生素E.   B:看起来还行,而且味道很好闻.但护发素怎么用?   A:洗干净头发之后,将护发素抹在头发上.轻揉地按摩头皮,让护发素停留,分钟,然后用清水冲掉,就可以了。   B:哦,知道了,护发素也拿一瓶吧。收银台在哪里?   A:我带您去。

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