

发布时间: 2019-08-23 12:45:04

英国的食物在江湖上的名声似乎一般,尤其是隔着英吉利海峡的法兰西常常对英国的食物冷嘲热讽。《狂爱美食》一书的作者甚至还写道“英国菜的标准就是淡而无味”。除了炸鱼薯条Fish and chips之外似乎就没有什么拿得上台面的东西。果真如此吗?事实上,权威美食杂志公布的“全世界50*餐厅”中,其中14间在英国,在这其中11间又在伦敦。世界各地的风味餐云集伦敦,比一场华丽的时装秀更热闹。那么,英国菜式英文介绍是怎么写的呢?  


  Get close to UK diet   走近英国菜   We eat the most ready meals in Europe. They are unhealthy and rarely taste as good as the alternative of cooking food fresh. People often complain that they are too busy to cook from scratch. However, more and more people are choosing to eat healthy, fresh food, inspired by celebrity chefs who are showing us that cooking does not have to be difficult, or even time-consuming.   Yet Britain still has a bad reputation for cooking. The author of A Fondness for Food even wrote about “the bland, standard UK diet”. However, today the UK is one of the most exciting places for creative and talented chefs, we have some of the most renowned restaurants and some of the most famous international chefs run them with many different cultures and nationalities from all over the world meeting in the UK, some of the most exciting new flavors and ideas in cooking now come from London, not Paris (the traditional hot spot of European cuisine).   The UK has become a nation of goodies, with increasingly sophisticated tastes and an appetite for world cuisines. Witness all the TV food programmes and cookery books, the celebrity status of many chefs, the popularity of farmers’ markets and regional food fairs, the trend in food related travel and the money we spend on doing up kitchens.   The Fat Duck restaurant has been given the title of “Best Restaurant in the World”. It has a reputation for experimental cuisine, with ingredients such as leather, oak, tobacco, snails in porridge, and liquid nitrogen mousse. This new style of cuisine is called “molecular gastronomy”. In addition to the Fat Duck award, London has also been named “Gourmet Capital of the World”.   英国的烤牛肉久负盛名, 使用厚而嫩的上等牛里脊添加芥末烤成, 食用时还要搭配约克夏布丁蛋糕, 用来蘸吸肉汤; 而两份蔬菜上面会浇上肉汁再呈上。林肯郡香肠通常是用猪肉和鼠尾草做的,鼠尾草是一种美味的香料。由于兰克希尔郡火锅这道菜炖的时间长,因而肉也变得细嫩多汁。看着这些菜的描述,真让人垂涎三尺,一扫淡而无味这个词。英国菜到底好吃不好吃,有机会尝试便知。  

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